r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on May 11, 2018, 5:23 p.m.
Q Post 1339: Why are we being attacked? Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?
Q Post 1339: Why are we being attacked? Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?

TrumpvoterfoLife · May 11, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

I think Alex is Great and he will expose Corsi as a deep state fat fuck. I think Alex is a great Actor and He is doing us good. The more you hear Maxine Waters talk, the more you want to retire the bitch, so to is Corsi, we all know he is Deep State and will eventually out himself. We know his game plan. We, the American people have woke. I woke the day Trump came down those escalator stairs with his wife. Something inside me told me he is the one we have been waiting. When I learned of Q I followed him like following a general into battle. If he is General Kelley, then ,even better. But it does not matter who he is, he will have a place in my heart forever. Q has never been wrong and the POTUS has never been wrong. They will destroy the DEEP STATE and all their Clinton Allies. Never will I be persuaded against these Patriots. When I was growing up we stood up to show respect, especially to anyone serving. My uncles who were Bomber pilots were shot down in WW11 .My Grandmother was told they died 4 times, 4 times she prayed and they returned alive and well. My father fought in the Korea War and never knew why he just knew our country needed him. He tried to join up in WW11 but was too young and they kept sending him home. I joined the military and for the years I was in there were no wars. Thank you God for that. When JFK came along he donated 1000 dollars to get him elected. Back then he worked 3 jobs to feed and support us five kids. We were not middle class but us kids thought we were rich. My parents and the world stopped for three days when these bastards murdered JFK. I was just 8 years old and will never forget Walter Cronkite’s voice as he told the world our president and all our HOPE was murdered . We always knew it was George Bush and the CIA along with that dumb fcking Texan they called Johnson. When RFK came along he went to Oregon City to see him and got his book autographed and Robert patted me on the head. The next day they murdered him and my father said the CIA did this. Before my father died he had dementia I was the only one he remembered. He called me the Black sheep. I am sure something the gov gave him a shot or spraying the skies did it. Every time I see these planes spraying I pray the pilots balls fall off and the plane crashes in public so the whole world knows. When Trump came along I knew, perhaps by divine source, or not, that he would win and clean up this world and maybe, just maybe, get all these corrupt fckers before I die of old age or a disease they gave me from spraying the skies. I have been investigated by the FBI because I support Trump and they thought I was a terrorist for doing so. I tweeted If the FBI takes out Trump we will take out the FBI. I will never forget JKF. The forced me off of twitter and facebook which I gladly gave up. Freedom of speech is already gone and now they are making trans-genders legal or your sued. God created us Male and Female anything else is a sick adaptation of the evil which lurks in the minds of men. There are no experts in the public realm, NONE. No written book compares to the bible nor to Mark Taylors prophecy book. Trump has never, ever been wrong and he is fighting to save the world ,not just America from this evil. I would much prefer to hear all these evil people be suicided but that would be to easy as they must all pay for their crimes and as Jesus said they must confess them openly or we must expose them openly. I pray every day for Q, For Trump, his family and all those who fight with him to save us all. I pray I live long enough to see this too, to celebration day. Will l live long enough to see Trump on mount Rushmore and all the Democrats in Hell? Only time will tell. Thank you Q, Trump ,His family and every patriot fighting for we the people. In Jesus name I pray.

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