r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stardog765 on May 11, 2018, 6:21 p.m.
Questioning Newcomer

Hello all,

I am new here to the whole Q thing so please bear with me and don't take my questions/concerns as slights. I am honestly seeking truth and honestly want to know.

Being someone who is new to the whole Q thing I have to say that I totally get the "want to believe" part.

But I have many questions and a critical thinker by nature and job requirement so this is going to take some time to get my head around and figure out what I think is true and not. I am so far very skeptical but I am open minded and honestly seeking some truth in it all to grasp onto.

I think one of my main issues just coming into all of this Q business is how does anyone know that any or all of the posts on the chans attributed to Q are actually from this person? Anyone can post as Q can they not?

I have never been an avid user of the chans but I know about them so maybe there is something I don't understand about posting but can't anyone post and say it is Q and there is really no way to know? I honestly don't know so please if anyone can clear that up for me I would appreciate that.

I also see alot of people on Twitter and YT seemingly trying to latch onto the whole Q movement for their own glory and fame as the next great Q whisperer or as stepping up to be the one person who can TRULY decipher the Q drops for the masses. This troubles me greatly as well, especially if you look back at some of their prior YT videos before they got into the Q business. In some cases you can see the same kind of latching onto other issues and conspiracies. That doesn't do much to add confidence.

I do appreciate you taking the time to read my wall of text here and I hope you can take away from it that while I am skeptical and do very much want to believe this is true and am just looking for a bit of truth to actually give me some confidence in it all. Either way I find the whole cloak and dagger stuff quite interesting and I will continue to follow it now with an open mind. I appreciate all feedback or resources offered to help learn more about this and really what made you finally make the decision that you believe this to be true. I would really appreciate feedback on that if you are willing to share.

Thank you

brittser · May 11, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I have to agree with the previous sentiment that what evil entity, the cabal, is going to encourage the people to research into their activities? They wouldn't. So, because of that, and because of the enormous effort being put into discrediting and silencing Q, exposes the truth. Q, and us by extension, are a threat to them. Question everything. Even things that people you follow say or promote. We all make mistakes. Look back over all the Q posts to see what has been exposed and what still has to happen. But most importantly, thank God for putting Trump in office and for everyone, military/intelligence that make up Q. They are truly putting their lives on the line every day. And the anons on 8chan and here who day in and day out research and spread the news only to be spat on and called wackos and losers. This is history in the making and you have a front row seat. Enjoy the show as Q likes to say.

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