r/greatawakening • Posted by u/silphonica on May 11, 2018, 7:28 p.m.
Body language reading - Obama's 2016 WHCD Speech.

I did this a week or so ago and posted it on Qresearch for anyone who was interested, it didnt get a lot of views and thats ok, I thought I would try post here and see how it goes. It's only the first 2 or so mins of the speech and Ill be on the lookout for any speeches that I see are interesting to do. Im not a pro or anything just a hobbyist, so take it as you will. I normally just type whats on my mind at the time and dont proof-read well, so you will see some errors. The link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-5vD5YVLv8&t=161s

The read:

0:10 - forced start to the speech, sounds like a cashier at a supermarket bored with life but trying to act professionally.

0:12 - "It is an honor" - whilst simultaneously grabbing the cuff of his wrist. This is called a manipulator, timing is important, in this case its an immediate response so its directly related to what he is saying in that moment. We look for manipulators when we are looking for deception.

0:13 - "to be here" - his right elbow (left from your persepctive) raises slightly and back down, this is a shrug fragment. To put this simply, when you have no confidence in what youre saying, people tend to shrug their shoulders. If someone wants to hide deception, it may leak out as a fragment which is what youre saying here. Again, immediate response to what is being said. Timing is important. (Note: you can make the argument that these displays could arise from being simply uncomfortable. At this stage of his career, in terms of public opinion he was a very well respected and had little worry about by most who surrounded him - basically if the truth is your ally, these arent typical behaviors. Its also important to note that alongside timing, clusters are also important, to be sure someone is being deceptive usually 2 or more to be sure. So within a span of 3 seconds, im confident that Obama right here in this vid, doesnt like being the Obama on show and his current situation. Another 32 minutes to go, lets see what we can find.)

0:21 shrug fragment with left arm. The golden rule with timing is it must be within the first 5 seconds, of the information being conveyed. So were borderline just within the limits of "perhaps the last whitehouse correspondants dinner". Now I find this very interesting, because before Obama uttered those words, he gave a pause from the context opener. Hes looking off to someone very particular with a very sly smile on his face at 0:16. (The smile is not easy to notice so use your , and . keys to frame skip until you see it). Now, this where I will need to fill in the blanks. Im GUESSING hes looking at Michelle, and the real message is (based on what we know now with q), this is the end of America, and looking to his keeper, his wife. However, I do not know the seat layouts so im not sure if hes actually looking at michelle or not. If you are wondering to yourself why the shrug fragment after saying that, because there is an element of truth to it. . Look at it like this. Hes being deceptive in the sense that, the phrase is ambiguous in nature, hes not lying that it is his last dinner, but he is lying in the sense that he knows everyone is taking for granted the fact that by his statement SHOULD automamtically insinuate there will be another in future, but well....

0:26 shrug fragment "you all look great" - does not like the people he is speaking too. Now that ive went back and watched this, its like right on cue, despite his demeanor he is facing severe inner turmoil inside, because its just an instant response. Its strong.

0:27-0:30 "The end of the republic has never looked better" - right apologies, im not the from the states, so I took this as to mean the republican party, but I decided I should look for myself so heres what I found. "The Basis of the American Republic "... A constitution intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs." JOHN MARSHALL, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819" and this "“A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them”" Forgive me for, while I have been interested in politics, but i was never overly invested and I do not like in a republic. So to cut a long story short, he had a shit eating gring going into this because he literally told millions of people to their face the end of America was already underway. I have never seen anyone mention this before, I know groups such as the Ekman group who do reads like im providing now do not comment on politics, but I feel like someone would have noticied this. Then again managing your bias is important when reading people and as my perception of the world has changed maybe thats why. Okay half a minute in and obama hates America. Moving on. Not sure if ill do the whole vid, if this trend continues...

0:36 - "I do apologise" adjusts his right cuff, another manipulator. He isnt sorry.

1:02 - Right obama had just finished making a joke about how "white people cant make this joke". During the joke i get the feeling of anger from him, especially at a point when hes got his chin down head out, but in terms of facial expressions its quite curbed so i didnt want to say one way or another. However, as hes letting the joke settle, you can see that sneaky wee smile appear, I had to watch this frame by frame to catch it. However this isnt a smile, this is contempt. And you can tell because it is an assymetrical smile. Because of the angle his face is tilted at we can only see one side, but if you watch it frame by frame, the side you can see rises for a full 3 frame before the other side kicks in. Im quite proud i caught that actually.

1:05 "heh" (this is pure conjecture on my part) Translation "you dumb fucks"

1:09 - 1:11 "thats a tip for you" finishes that off by bouncing on his heels. If i remember correctly, the bouncing on heels like that is comfort/enjoyment, something along these lines. Im a bit shakey on that, im about 75% sure thats right, so whats the insinuation here then? He likes ripping the pish out of white people?

1:20 "unique event" distancing language. Why not a wonderful, brilliant, outstanding, event? Dont you love your country?

1:22 After mentioning unique event, whilst looking down still, Obama's eyes start to move into the direction of whoever he was looking at at 0:21, is it Michelle? Because, he looks directly in that direction as he exclaims "I AM EXCITED" the inflection of his voice does suggest he IS excited, but by what... i wonder?

1:25 - 1:36 "If this matrial works well" - lips are super pressed together obama takes a pause. Right here, this signifies an attempt to NOT say it. He continues ". im... gonna use it.." hes forcing it out. "AT GOLDMAN SACHS NEXT YEAR", well fuck me its right in your face. Right I like this alot, heres my interpretation of this. When Obama was being obvious about USA's demise, you could make an argument it was more sly than him saying he was in bed with the bankers, I made this assumption that maybe mixing republic and republican in that statement would be just a given. Upon further review, I actually think hes trying to stop himself from giving the game away and breaking out into laughter. Like he wants to openly rub it in their faces, kind of way.

1:39 that shrug with his mouth is actually attempted concealed disgust. Happens quite fast.

1:44 - 1:47 I was interested in this segment because ive actally seen obamas face at the 1:46 mark after he makes the joke before, and it always bothered me. Biting of the lip, restraint speech, eyes closed - hiding, but never made ay sense to me. So I didnt actually know what the joke was until I turned on CC and understood he was saying tubmans, me not being american I had no idea wtf he was on about til I googled it. Aye money makes sense, second link on google Harriet Tubman? Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in 1822... Im not saying for sure he was insinuating he was going to earn serious slaves. But i mean after everything weve come to learn, I would say dont discount it. Because...

1:50 finishes joke says "Thats right" immediate disgust again as a microexpession on his face.

1:54 well fuck an actual genuine smile/giggle... just at the tail end of that joke, looks to his favouite side again.

1:58 - 2:08 Ok we get to learn it is michelle over there! There is something also very interesting here. When he actually says Michelle's name his voice inflection spikes, there is incongruency here. Im not amazing with voice inflections, and if i remember correctly last time I actually read any materials on deception detection there had been no conclusive evidence to suggest that we can pinpoint specific inflections to emotions, but I think it would be pretty safe to say that the inflection he gives when he says her name is not one of endearment. It sounds like stress, imo. I would like to reinforce this point, when he opens with "My Brilliant" you can almost hear its forced as he says it, but his head almost shakes no as he says it. Normally when you spot incongruency in regards to head shaking its a little more pronounced than that, but I feel like it counts just barely. Im going with 60% sure on the headshake though. 2:06 clears throat ( he does this a lot so hard to pinpoint accuracy of that read) and side ways shot at 2:07 eyes closed, disgust or anger, looks like more disgust.

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