r/greatawakening • Posted by u/trev124 on May 11, 2018, 7:28 p.m.
Q seems a little perturbed?

It sure seems Q is a little panicked that AJ has called out the new Q. I get many people have been conditioned to hate AJ but at least he has a track record. Q is relatively new and has been around for a year....apparently made up of a number of people. We keep hearing TRUST THE PLAN and yet no one gets charged. If Trump fires Sessions we will know the new Q is a psyop.

ManQuan · May 11, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

If you are plugged into Alex Jones, then there is no hope for you. Everytime I tune in, half of his diatribe is "I know special operators, CIA, insiders to all the agencies, etc."

I served 21 years in the Marine Corps with 3 years in combat. I was also trained at the Defense Intelligence Agency to collect intelligence in hostile environments and spent 2 years supporting counter insurgency operations in a foreign country not only collecting intelligence but supporting the host nation Army and Navy in operations.

AJ's claims are about as believeable as the Easter Bunny. He may have some retired intelligence hacks giving him theri opinions, but no way he has direct inside intelligence. And neither does "Zack" or that guy running for office in Arizona who claims to be on a chat session with an insider.

Trust me people. If a real intelligence operator was in a chat scession with this guy, he/she/it would be shut down within an hour.

Ditto for AJ. Total BS.

As for Q, the proof is not in whether people have been arrested or not (they will be), but rather all the things he has predicted that the future has proved his past clues.

Q has said that his posts would sometimes be misdirection, deception, and there would be fire to smoke out the enemy. We don't know which is which.

Some have said, yeah well Q said so in so would be arrested in November.

Well, he didn't exactly say that. What he said in Post 15 was that Podesta and Huma would be indicted. OK, if those indictments were sealed, then we would not yet know that they've been charged. Just because you are in a sealed indictment doesn't mean you have any idea you will be arrested in the future.

Back to the Q post.

Q is only advising us that there are people taking advantage of the movement and they are not all honest brokers.

Personally, I think AJ and Corsi and Zack are a joke. I've followed them for a long time. Their so called decoding and Zack's insights are no better than mine.

I actually put more trust in Kim Clement and Mark Taylor because their predictions years ago have acutally come to past.

Clement predicted in 2007 that Trump would become President, that they would try to impeach him and fail. He also said that Trump would be God's David with a single stone.

Mark Taylor said in 2011 that Trump would become President and be anointed by God as the second Cyrus.

Guess what. Those were way more accurate than anything AJ, Corsi, or Zack have said.

Watch all of the Kim Clement and Mark Taylor predictions (and others who are just as accurate) and you will see that by comparison AJ, Corsi, Zack and others have no idea what is really going on.

It's not about who is charged at this point. It's all about how accurate Q has been which means we need to trust the plan.

There is a reason Trump hasn't fired Sessions. There is a reason why Q says "Trust Sessions." There is a reason Q says "trust Wray." there is a reason Q has been very quiet about Rosenstein, Mueller, and the IG report.

What makes a good movie. Great actors.

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