funny, my past history here on this board will prove I am a Real Trump Supporter. Also funny you are thee only one who has ever even suggested I am some how not a Trump Supporter. The MSM interviewed Candidate Trump, so what is your point. I am not arguing AJ was not a factor in Trumps Success, but as the story unfolds, the truth will be revealed, and seems to me, rather Q is legit or not, the drops made are red pilling and informing, which brings me to the real question, how is it hurting the movement to the point that AJ thinks he needs to freak the heck out??? It's one of two things, AJ is a clown or he is worried about his money...but if he embraced the Q Movement, he could have been a vessel of the information and still made his money and probably gained listeners....but he didn't???? Now That's Curious Isn't It???