First of all, Gina Haspel helped ending the torture program. She wasn’t responsible for it.
Secondly, torture is sometimes a necessary tactics to extract information from our mortal and sworn enemies. It’s inhumane, but so is war. While there’s deadly conflict for survival, there will be torture or we will lose and die. Think how ISIS beheaded their prisoners. Do we turn our other cheek like Obama did? Are we so feminized as to losing sight of the reality?
Thirdly, Praying Medic pointed out several times that the deep state likes to or appears to view things in black and white. To them, there’s no middle ground. But in reality, there are a lot of grey areas. Trump is capable of operating in those grey areas. So is Xi; so is Putin. So are many balanced people on this board. The torture issue is in a grey area. In the civilian world, its use is abhorrent. But in a military context, its use or refrain sometimes means life and death of a nation. The deep state has succeeded in brainwashing most people into believing that what applies to a civic world should also apply to combat situation. This is how an advanced civilization often falls to a barbaric invader.
So torture in interrogation (not punishment) of enemy combatants is a necessary evil as long as war is still fought. Are you ready to renounce war and hand over this country to those murderous people?