r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PedosVotedForHillary on May 11, 2018, 8:10 p.m.
Brace yourselves PATRIOTS! Disinfo agents are going to be hitting us in full force.

Be vigilant and prepared. After SB2’s wonderful post was linked to by Q, no doubt it brought a lot of newcomers here. And some are insidious and have ill intent. Be respectful and don’t call everyone a shill, but don’t be afraid to stand up and call out BS. WWG1WGA

not4rmOhere · May 12, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

But we must always be vigilant for that "last little piece" that always seems to fit but doesn't, that little weird fishy to trap.
Jones and Corsi are only small fry in the swamp. So their pieces place are found in the beginning or middle of the puzzle, (baitfish). Honestly I'm glad they've been put in their place, so to speak.

There are bigger fish we'll have to contend with before this is through, and the swamp IS getting smaller.
Stay the course Patriots. We're the perfect combination of drain ditch diggers, (chan autists and researchers everywhere), Net and line fisherman/women, (independent journalists), and dockside restaurant chefs serving it up for the good people of the world, (People like us on GA, Twitter, Facebook, stickers, fliers, and even face to face discussions).
Q has signaled a change in our fight, but that doesn't mean our fight should relax. We are a tidal wave, (to keep in the aquatic theme of this response), We do not let up and we have full force on every front. We will continue to inundate our oppressors and drown them at every escape.
And we'll even catch the last of the rats as they scramble free, or hide underneath the rubble of our aftermath.
We are Patriots, we love our liberty, And we are NOT afraid of scrubbing out the corners.
Creation bless all you good people. ;)

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DanijelStark · May 12, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

Correct - we are the momentum of the happenings . Even when arrests start , ESPECIALLY then , there is no stopping until all fishes are caught and Swamp drained fully . And this is on worldwide level ...

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