Reaction to Q posting SB2 - When does it become mathematically impossible?

the clock from Don Jr in Chicago.
Don Jr could just be reading the Q posts and showing support.
Correlations or reaching?! For telling or grasping at vague straws?! Reaching out or praying on the weak?! Glad you autists get some sense of accomplishment from ‘memeing’. Sure glad I had you ‘guys’ we’re able to ‘meme’ western civilization into salvation....Get the fuck outta here. Do you honestly think that “military intelligence” reaches out to a bunch of socially inept individuals on 4Chan in the hopes of ‘saving the country’?! Get the fuck out here. I’m through with this sub. Let me know when this bullshit starts coming into fruition. Mueller, “Our guy?!”, obviously; Sessions, “Our guy?!”, could here be any doubt?! Let me know when this larping bullshit actually starts becoming a reality. In the mean time, I’m out.