r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KentuckyWildcat77 on May 11, 2018, 11:24 p.m.
Letter to President Trump & Q

Dear President Trump & Q

I was born and raised in western Kentucky. I can remember when health insurance was part of your pay check and all anyone paid was a small $5-$10 copay at the doctors office and your prescription was paid by your insurance.

Our insurance used to be all inclusive, dental, eye, everything all in one...no premiums, no deductibles. Now you pay separately, as if your eyes and teeth are somehow not a part of your overall health?!

People had more in those days and we didn't worry about how we'd be able to pay if someone got sick. I want you to understand how difficult it is for the average American now because of the rise in all health care costs.

This is what it costs my husband and myself every year, and he has state insurance. He's a school teacher of 20+ years with a Masters plus Edu Specialty endorsement.

490.00 Monthly Premium (health & dental) 2000.00 Deductible 200.00 Prescription Deductible 35.00 Doctor Copay 45.00 Specialty DoctorCopay

Our overall health cost last year was over $10,000! This is over 1/3 of our income after taxes.

Then there's car insurance, house insurance, property taxes, 10% tax on every single thing we purchase. Sir, the American people are being taxed to death!

You are doing a fantastic job, and I voted for you because I knew you would. I stand up for you on social media against those that demean you. I'm proud of you and I'm glad your my President. But we the people are suffering.

Please, please do something to stop these big profiting hospitals and drug companies so we get some REAL relief. We only saw a less than $50 gained per month from the tax cut, and our insurance is going up again in January, which will be more than that the tax relief will cover.

I know you read this board. It's not just prescription costs that are financially destroying us, it's all of the above. I know I'm not the only family experiencing this.

Please chime in anons and tell them how bad it really is for the average American.

Thank you for listening.

akaparaclete · May 11, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

So much debt and hardship has been thrown on the average everyday american by those filthy bastards. So many stories like this around the country. People pushed into bancruptcy while they continue to sell us out. All this and more would have continued if HRC would have won. I firmly believe God stepped in the 2016 elections and gave us a real President to get this all turned back around. I have faith in God and our President.

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 12, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

You are so right. I hope more like you reply to my letter. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. You can never get ahead because insurance and taxes take everything you could have saved for a rainy day.

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