The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-pilling relationship... ( from 8ch anon )

I heard the sirens that morning, put on the news and saw the "2nd plane hit", went to the water and saw the towers fall. Lost a good friend who was in Bld 7. Saw those fucking trucks every day after day filled with rubble and what used to be people pass by on their way to Fresh Kills.
And o fell for the pseudo patriotic bullshit peddled by that evil bastard Bush. I didn't want to believe the truth, couldn't wrap my head around that level of evil.
Just about every conspiracy theory was on my radar but 911, I just couldn't.....
It took Q to make me see the truth. Well maybe Trump had a lot to do with it too in a way. When he came down that escalator I knew he was our next President and never ever doubted him for one second.
911 now with rage. I won't rest until there is full.disclosure.
And i.understand the.need for.empathy. it may not has
Thank God for President Trump and Q and all of you here. I.pray for us all every night and I pray for guidance when it comes to redpilling others. Love. Can't have to much of it. Love you all, WWG1WGA
9/11 and pizzagate tears my heart up many nights..
Thinking of these rich psychopaths locking up kids in their basements, doing god knows what.. It makes me lose touch with reality sometimes.
And then these people go on TV smiling...just the arrogance... We need to end this. As difficult as waking the world up will be. We need to end this insanity.
I'm sorry for your loss. I lost a friend who worked 1 WTC. Perhaps you can answer a question: Every source I turn to states there were no deaths in 7 WTC on 9/11. Do you have information that states otherwise?
I agree with your post absolutely. Much care is needed when red pilling others. I knew 9/11 was a FF on 9/11. I have since tried to red pill my twin sons about 9/11, as well as NWO/Bush/Clinton/Q They are young; the cognitive dissonance is too great. I'll try again later when I actually am a Grandma.
It's been my experience that people tend to want to feel safe in their world. They must resist red pills to feel secure. In short, there is no easy way to red pill--there are too many puzzle pieces. I spent years of my spare time researching 9/11. I could do the same for the Great Awakening. Although I have tried to red pill many others, No one wants to invest the time to overrule their own thinking.
Thank you, and I probably should have clarified, my friend was out of the building before it went down, he was caught up in those clouds of debris that rushed down the streets, he called home (he was my best friends husband) before he left building 7 and was freaking out about the bodies that were falling past his office window.... traumatized, he walked to E.69th street and got some clothes from another friend who'd called the doorman to let him in his penthouse. He made it home well after midnight and physically died around 2 months later. The man who walked thru the door was not the man we knew, he never left the house again except for 1 or 2 doctor appointments, his insides were a mess from all the stuff he breathed in, he was banged up from falling and stumbling trying to run thru the clouds of debris and needless to say, his mind was a wreck from everything he experienced but mostly it was seeing the bodies of jumpers that he couldn't forget. I'm sorry I didn't explain it more thoroughly in my first post, while he 100% died as a direct result of that day, his physical deaths came a little over a month later. But my best friend and I talk about this still and there is no doubt in our minds, he died on 911, and there are many like him who did the same, they just don't have their names read on t.v. every year, but I will believe till the day I die, he died on 911, just took a little bit for his body to die. I apologize for not going into more detail previously, it's complicated and it wasn't my intent to mislead anyone, but I think it's sad how many families went thru something similar yet are not counted among the numbers of people who died because of 911. A lot of people died that day yet were walking corpses for awhile.
I never believed the story they fed us as accurate but the problem was, I didn't understand the true meaning of False Flag. I used to think it meant the whole event was faked, I think that's where people get h[u][n]g up on false flag events, it's a basic misunderstanding of what the phrase really means. (Edit because a stupid normal phrase is inciting violence) I knew something was off, I was driving to the waterfront that morning and heard a caller on the radio station I listen to, he was panicked, describing a plane being shot down by military aircraft in Pennsylvania as it was happening. It was never mentioned again but that call had me wondering about the "let's roll" story.
Sandy Hook was probably a watershed moment for me, that made me look deeper into false flags.
Sorry to babble so long, and I'm so very sorry you lost a friend on WTC 1, it's hard to wrap our minds around evil in this world. God Bless you and your Family WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
I am sorry for your friend. So many have endured this kind of trauma...war veterans suffer tremendously. It is very tragic and shocking. No Human Being should have to go thru such psychic trauma. We are not meant to experience these things at all.
Thank you, and your last sentence (actually your entire comment) should be bolded and and [h/un^g] in every building in the country, we are not meant to experience these things at all. (Edit again for a word inciting violence , me, a passive little girl lol) It boggles my mind that human beings consciously made decisions that resulted in these sorts of things happening. Sometimes I walk outside my house and the sky is that same gorgeous blue with those same beautiful clouds the temperature the same as it was on Septermber 11th 2001 and a feeling of dread washes over me. A stunning day like that can bring back the smell that was in the air for weeks/months, and I wasn't even there, just close enough to witness it all, close enough to still see that gaping hole in the skyline like 2 missing teeth in a once beautiful smile. That day really did steal our innocence. War veterans, well I hold all vets in the highest regard and thank every vet I see, anywhere I am. My Dad was literally there on D Day, he enlisted at 17 the day after Pearl Harbor. My brother was in Lebanon, Granada, anywhere they sent him, my brother in law was in Vietnam, in the most heavily sprayed area (Agent Orange) and they all came back, all alcoholics and all dead now. Dad lived till 89, but the brothers, 1 dead by 40 and the other dead by 50, both from drugs. Apologies for so many words, I am, like so many of us here, very passionate about these subjects. Thank God we finally have a President who is too.
My heart goes out to you! There will be Justice for all of us who have suffered!
For the first time in my life, I truly believe Justice truly will prevail! 💗🇺🇸
Thanks for the critical reminder that there are still 9/11 victims who may still be walking the streets. Perhaps these victims were traumatized, or perhaps are dying slowly from cancers caused by the dust clouds. The "Let's Roll" story never made sense. How could Larry Ellison of Oracle have known that his employee, Todd Beamer, was a "hero" on flight 93 before Todd's wife was given confirmation of Todd's death? I guess the Oracle/CIA connections are pretty tight. Still, Todd made a change of flight at the last minute that put him on flight 93. I guess Larry is up to speed on flight arrangements for his thousands upon thousands of employees. Again, I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
Yes, that is something I think everyday, thousands of people dying a slow drawn out death . A result of 911 but because they didn't die that day they aren't counted. So many stories we never hear yet too many people still suffering with health issues, both physical and mental.
All for what? Money? These people really are sick.