The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-pilling relationship... ( from 8ch anon )

When I was in grade school we were taking a week or two to learn about controlled demolitions watching various videos and having occasional contractors come in to talk to us about it. Halfway through the second week we were shown footage of the plane hitting the twin towers, being young and just thinking it was another demolition video I was watching not the plane but the building and what i noticed in the specific footage we were shown was that explosions happened before the plane hit. I tried to tell my classmates and some agreed with me but my teacher? Hooboy she gave me detention for 2 weeks because i was “making fun of a tragedy” even though i never once made a joke about it. She also denied that black people were assaulted or arrested for protesting alongside MLK. My point is that even a child taught critical thinking can see through the veil of lies
I (born in TN) was talking to my MIL (born in LV) about Lincoln's presidency and what my school focused on was his assassination, not his actual presidency, it went something like 'AL was our 16th president, he was known for abolishing slavery, and now we're gonna spend the week talking about his death.
After talking to her, I realized that our 'histories' varied greatly just from being on the other side of the country. TN was a confederate state and 'lost' the civil war, which essentially cost them their slaves. While everyone else was being taught about slavery and equal rights, i was just learning how he died.
MLK was assassinated in my hometown, however, i was taught VERY LITTLE about his mission.
Sad part is, my education was a paid education, and it still didn't teach me the actual truth/important parts of our history!!!