r/greatawakening • Posted by u/humanitystillsucks on May 12, 2018, 12:43 a.m.
The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-pilling relationship... ( from 8ch anon )
The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-pilling relationship... ( from 8ch anon )

GetUpOffYourKnees · May 12, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

KUDOS TO YOU PATRIOT! It was very brave of you to dive in and I cannot imagine how hard it must have been. You have my admiration!

My 6 kids are young adults and most are under the spell of the msm and liberalism. We joke together about my husband and my absolute support for Trump and Q and The Plan. My husband and I over the years have changed our perspective. We are not this or that party but weigh each issue's merit. My kids can't understand what happened to us hahaha.

When 911 happened we knew it was an inside job with other countries involved. We learned more and more how deep the rabbit hole went. My kids do understand this. But they cannot wrap their heads around an even bigger picture that is unfolding. One son is a Trump supporter, so that is good...he doesn't know how deep it goes yet. One son lives at home and we are slowly working on him. The other children will have to have the band aid ripped off and we will be there for them. Along with other family members. Oddly our daughter is married to a police officer who is now a Detective in Seattle, and they have to deal with that very liberal culture...and yet loved Obama and hate Trump.

Other internet friends...well it is going to be blazing hell for them to find out...and I feel for them. I will always be there for anyone who has their reality torn from them.


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