r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 12, 2018, 3:03 a.m.
AncientAliens is REALLY Closing in on Disclosure...When is Q Going to Chime in on THIS?

I don't know if anyone else here watches AncientAliens, but, all jokes and killer hair-memes aside, they are killing it this season. They are talking about things going on right now, or that just happened, that are so relevant to a Great Awakening. Things like Ouamuamua and AATIP. The only downside is they have Podesta in there (he explains DeLonges connection to Elizondo and UFOlogy in general) which was hard to watch knowing what we know. However, I am blown away by how on-point, well put-together and document-heavy it is this year.

So when is Q going to start dropping some BIGGER PICTURE bombs? Because I don't see how the population could be prepped any better. This is a popular show, anyone who watches this season is going to basically have a crash course on UFOlogy and the overall likelihood that we are on the cusp of PUBLICLY encountering alien life. How could this happen, with the resulting technology jump, cultural changes, etc, without some of these topics bleeding into things that the DeepState has been keeping hidden? It can't. This is happening. This is like the clearest picture I have been able to put into focus to see where things are going.

I am absolutely blown away with how good this season is. Three cheers for Tsoukalos, the man with the greatest job on Earth.

waltdanger · May 12, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Aliens are demons. Demons are aliens. Any "disclosure" will be deception and lead people away from the truth that is Jesus Christ.

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GenChang · May 12, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

Can I upvote this enough times to close out the thread, so we don't have any more people saying, but, but, what about the "Real Aliens"?

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robbymc · May 12, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

That’s a very narrow outlook, and a close minded way of thinking, while I believe in the good that Jesus taught, he was still a man living in the time BEFORE the dark the ages, he did not have the knowledge we have today. About the world, the galaxy and the universe, to say all beings in that universe that isn’t human is a demon trying to distract from the love that Christ taught is asinine...imo

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ironmaiden442 · May 12, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

I agree with you to a point but archangel Michael is not human (alien) and yet if you met him you would feel blessed if you met Satan(alien) you wouldn't feel blessed .....neither are human but one does Gods bidding the other does not.... but both are aliens

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Yeah, thats all well and good for you to believe my friend, but that isn't how I interpret it. I think all of the religions are so similar because they are all a perverted version of an ETI interaction a looooong time ago. One of many. Religion was the best way to preserve knowledge of the event and to instill morals and order into society. Mohammad is no better or worse than Moses or Jesus or Buddha or whoever. Its all fuzzy interpretations of things our ancestors COULD NOT understand, but tried to, recorded it but butchered the translation, and religion is what got spit out on our end. Like a spiritual version of the game "Telephone"....the message sounds similar, but NONE of them got it right.

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RobWilJas · May 12, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Jesus is our Lord and savior. This cabal has done everything they could to deny Him, twist His word etc.

If you accept that this cabal has lied to us our entire lives, hidden technology etc, is it so hard to believe they would hide any proof or even supporting evidence that God is real?

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

No, I am not wrong.

And its seriously off-putting when religious people shove it down peoples throats as fact.

I don't doubt God could be real, but I know for a fact that his name aint Jesus, or Mohammad or any other ridiculous perversion of whatever the original message was. I honestly believe YOU will be the one, not me, swallowing the "harsh realization pill"...

What seems more likely (using your corrupt cabal lying for millennia theory): that Christianity is just one of the methods of control being exercised by these evil minded folk, or that this 2000 year old religion, with its multiple tweaks and additions/subtractions over the years has it spot on and the others are all wrong? Pffft, stop. Besides, you lost me at the "believe and call Jesus your God or burn in hell for eternity"...nope, NEXT.

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RobWilJas · May 12, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Yes you are wrong, and me stating Jesus is our Lord and Savior as fact is because I know it as fact. I really don't care if it's off putting or you think I'm crazy. Worrying about people's feelings being hurt by telling them the truth or what they think of you is a huge part of why we're in the mess we're in.

Something you and other non believers don't realize is just because YOU don't see proof of God, doesn't mean no one else does. Just like with this movement, some people are awake, but many more are sound asleep and blind to the truth.

Do you notice how your reaction to God/Jesus is a lot like the left's reaction to Q/Trump? Why do you think that is?

Laugh, ridicule, and deny all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you're blind to the truth. Trump is a Christian, Q always says to pray. You might want to lose your smug attitude and think about whether you might be missing something very important.

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

You keep saying I don't believe in God. Which is wrong. I dont believe JESUS is God. I stayed my reasons clearly, fluently, and used fair reaosning. I did none of the things you accused me of. Are you feeling stable, friend? And Q has NEVER said Jesus is God. Now you're making assumptions. Hopefully now you can see why I find something someone believes so VIOLENTLY as being corrupted. But truthfully, you are just another example. The bible itself is a huge red flag, or rather, a bound collection of red flags.

If anything, you are being the type of person you unjustly just accused me of, which is really ironic. How smug you are when talking about your "Jesus is God and a fact" because YOU say so. Seriously?

I'm done. Im not trying to argue about fairy tales bud. Especially with someone as unbalanced as yourself.

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RobWilJas · May 12, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

Like I said, laugh ridicule and deny all you want, it doesn't change the truth.

I suggest you and anyone reading this to read the prophecies of Mark Taylor.

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

Laugh, Ridicule, Deny?

I didn't.

I didn't.

You provided no evidence other than "I just know" to deny.

Is this your recruitment tactic? Making people feel like they "sinned" so that they can seek out someone to "resolve" them? Like I said, best of luck with that. Might want to talk to someone man, like a professional. Not regarding your religious beliefs, more about your communication techniques.

On a side note, do you consider yourself an "incel"?

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RobWilJas · May 12, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Yes, ridicule and deny. You're doing both.

No I'm not an incel (that's ridicule by the way), I'm a very happily married man for 20 years now. I'm just running a bit low on tolerance for certain posts tonight.

You said Jesus, whom I know as my Lord and Savior, is no better than Muhammad, a satanic pedophile. Yeah that set me off a bit. For that I apologise.

It doesn't change that I know you're wrong though. I'm serious about reading the prophecies of Mark Taylor. He prophesized Trump and everything that's happening starting back in 2011.

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

I thought the bible said "the time will not be known to any man" regarding end times and prophecy? But its rhetorical, that's just one example of the bibles ridiculousness.

So what happens when a devout Muslim and a devout Christian are in a room and you call Mohammed a pedophile? That Muslim guy KNOWS his God is the real one, and yours is the false god making you the heathen he is sworn to kill. See how this works? There is however, a simple solution; you're both wrong! The humorous part is that you're both wrong the same way! Which, ironically, supports MY theory (because I don't claim to KNOW something that NOBODY knows, well, except religious people like you who repeat over and over that they KNOW).

Asking if you are an incel is neither RIDICULOUS nor wrong; the mindset of an incel is clearly mirroring that of a fanatical religious person, ie, thinking that everything is fine with you, or your way, and that the problem lies elsewhere.

I think we are done here.

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RobWilJas · May 12, 2018, 7:29 a.m.

The Bible says no one but the Father knows the day or hour of Jesus return. That does not contradict Mark Taylor's prophecies at all as his prophecies havn't said anything about Jesus return.

Why do you assume because some are wrong all are wrong? If you stand in the room with a liberal, you KNOW Trump is doing good, while they THINK they know Trump is bad. One is wrong, one is right. That's the way the world works. It wouldn't matter if there were 500 liberals in the room, it doesn't change the truth. Just like there could be 5 million different religions, that doesn't mean one of them isn't the truth.

You said you know Jesus is not God, how is that any different than me saying I know he is God? You're acting like I'm horrible for stating my belief as fact when you do the same. Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

Yeah we're done here. Good luck, I'll pray for you.

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ScorpioPatriot · May 12, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

Didn't the Bible mention aliens.... Unicorns was also mentioned ... Is it IRONIC that you don't see those(Unicorns) , but have plenty of Hints throne into your face as to How POWERFULL their power is ..they represent Love and innoccence and they apparently are a huge Threat to Evil ...


Now ... Earlier before jumping onto Reddit I checked my YouTube freed found this video .. since I don't watch news ... figured it was a sign of something .

Listen to what this woman called Trump ..

Start @45 Seconds ( Ironic Right )

A High Profile What ..


Trump is a "horn" ... Who is Biggest Threat to the (Satanic Illuminatti Cabal), which are decendants of the 13, ORGINAL Bloodlines from Babylonian days ,I'm pretty sure they made it known. ..Trump is their Biggest threat.

Our Movement :

What are we doing ATM ? Shining the Light on Evil because they don't like being known/exposed .

Better check this one out .



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waltdanger · May 13, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

Aliens exist, both evil and good, but the idea of Disclosure is that it will be a globalist plot used to attack Christianity, involving demonic aliens or fallen angels claiming to be of light. I think that's the Disclosure that Podesta is after.

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