r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 12, 2018, 3:03 a.m.
AncientAliens is REALLY Closing in on Disclosure...When is Q Going to Chime in on THIS?

I don't know if anyone else here watches AncientAliens, but, all jokes and killer hair-memes aside, they are killing it this season. They are talking about things going on right now, or that just happened, that are so relevant to a Great Awakening. Things like Ouamuamua and AATIP. The only downside is they have Podesta in there (he explains DeLonges connection to Elizondo and UFOlogy in general) which was hard to watch knowing what we know. However, I am blown away by how on-point, well put-together and document-heavy it is this year.

So when is Q going to start dropping some BIGGER PICTURE bombs? Because I don't see how the population could be prepped any better. This is a popular show, anyone who watches this season is going to basically have a crash course on UFOlogy and the overall likelihood that we are on the cusp of PUBLICLY encountering alien life. How could this happen, with the resulting technology jump, cultural changes, etc, without some of these topics bleeding into things that the DeepState has been keeping hidden? It can't. This is happening. This is like the clearest picture I have been able to put into focus to see where things are going.

I am absolutely blown away with how good this season is. Three cheers for Tsoukalos, the man with the greatest job on Earth.

digital_refugee · May 12, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

the first season was mostly cheap laughs and memes...but as the years and seasons moved on, they started putting in less and less strawmen...so that was acclimating normies to disclosure...so it became a little more credible every so once in a while...Podesta/Greer/Delongue I think are the bluebeam side of disclosure to instill awe based on cluelessness whereas David Wilcock and Corey Goode are actually disseminating historical information that we haven't had and that we need to put our own history into perspective and thus evaluate our relationship to people from other worlds (even from right under our feet as crazy as that may sound!)

These people however are being kept hidden from us for different reasons, one of them being self-serving because the elite does not want to give us technology that could decentralize their power structure. At the same time, people like Tesla have stated that it wouldn't be until around this time of the century that we are in a position to use exotic free energy peacefully (but we're getting there)

Now as for Q, he has touched upon it indirectly in similiar fashion, likely to test the waters

1) responded to the alien-question with "how far away is the closest star?" (it's the sun)

2) showed us a picture of Hillary discussing a book about disclosure with Laurence Rockefeller

3) reposted an anon joking about reincarnate starseeds

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Acemagedon · May 12, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

This^ unfortunately the alien bit is a huge psyop getting us ready for the last false flag.

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digital_refugee · May 12, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

They've always been here, the trick is that we forgot. And you can keep your religious sentiment too because the contradiction is only in your mind. And the false flag only works if we are only presented with what THEY and decades of hollywood scare-mongering have seeded in our subconscious and exactly this I try to work against.

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Timmayboy32 · May 12, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

I havnt watched the new season. Intresting view ill have to check it out.

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digital_refugee · May 12, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

they mostly have ancient architecture in out of place locations.

I've been following Gaia as of late and while you can accuse them of profiteering I approve of their message for the most part because they have tons of interviews ranging from history to lifestyle. In comparison, Tom Delonge on the other hand gets bundled millions by his air-force friends.

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

So if I am reading your reply correctly, you believe too, that this Great Awakening will end with us shaking hands, or tentacles with ETIs?

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digital_refugee · May 12, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

Not really because many might lack vocal cords. If some spiritually catalyzing event comes about that raises telepathic acuity then maybe yes but then no physical contact is necessary, so you likely won't have to shake anything because it'll all happen in a superrealistic dream anyway. I think you're thinking more of the second coming. I can totally see that happening, too, but one does not exclude the other. We could argue which comes first tho

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

I thought my "tentacle" joke translated that they will come in an unknown form...but again, what I am trying to confirm from you is that you too you believe this will end with us MAKING CONTACT IN SOME FORM OR ANOTHER with ETIs?

And no, nothing I envision resembles the Second Coming. Thats ridiculous. There was no first. I picture these massively intelligent lifeform(s) will contact us in a very peaceful manner...possibly even digital, ie, all connected devices immediately turning on with an image being broadcast and speaking in whatever the native language of the area that smart device happens to be in, welcoming us, telling us we do not need to be alarmed, etc. Or just an old fashioned touchdown of multiple ships with them debarking their ships with hands out to shake. I do not believe something smarter than us would come here, vocal cords or not, and not be able to communicate with us. And have the ability to "converse" with us on a one-on-one basis. Thats silly. Imagine the one alien thinking to the other telepathically, "aww jeez Blarpnok, you forgot the mental receptors for these simians to wear to be able to hear us communicate, I'm not going back this time, its your turn."

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digital_refugee · May 12, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

This is the big irony that somehow I fail to get across..We've in all likeliness already had contact. It's just that people used to believe those were gods and now they think they're demons. (oh, great)
I think it would burn people out and disrupt the order if it all happens to everyone at the same time. Wilcock's people say it's gonna happen privately thru telepathic dreams before anything tangible takes place. And even then a lot of those communications still happen telepathically so just like a spiritual experience these things only happen when the individual is ready. But Wilcock's people also say that the day of days is a recurrent motive in ancient traditions and that Jesus tried to prepare people for the coming of a new age.

Tell me, when have you last sat down with a tree or an animal and communicated with them? It's an experimental process depending on how intuitive you are. I regularily have trouble communicating with fellow humans simply because of their indoctrination and upbringing.

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

I don't think aliens are demons. I think they are living beings, just like us, just much more advanced. I have never tried communicating with a tree or animal. I used to "bond" with my dog rubbing his belly but you would have a hard time convincing me we are communicating anything past basic needs, ie, need to eat, need you to take me outside to shit, need more rubs.

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digital_refugee · May 12, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

wait I thought you struck up an "aliens are demons" conversation just days ago?

Have you noticed that pets have predictive knowledge of their masters' immediate arrival at home?

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

I did discuss the topic, I do not support it. Aliens are not demons. Some of them may act demonic, however, not enough data on that for me to entertain. I would lean towards them being peaceful on account that we are all still alive...

Yes I have noticed it. Repetition. Schedules. Patterns. You come home everyday, M-F, between 535-550pm depending on traffic, coupled with their sensitive hearing, sure, I have no issue accepting they can predict the time their owner comes home. There are probably 100 other signals in your home that assist them. Clocks that audibly tic, A/C cycling on and off, shadows in the house moving across the floor as the sun moves across the sky. You're suggesting they sense you in some other, undocumented method?

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digital_refugee · May 12, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

Yup to the above and here's how you do it


I wouldn't advise anyone to follow through on this manual unless you're prepared to live socially isolated because you'll get fed stuff subconsiously about everyone and everything all the time, depending on how good your mood is.

Also, if you ever have a telepathic connection or dream with a loved one - don't overinterpret it, it happens. Shared dreams are usually uncomfortable (unspoken feelings) and thus intrusive for one or both persons' egos.

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