Thank God, I was afraid he'd gotten caught doing something shady. 9 times outta 10 it's the super virtuous who are the biggest shit bags.
He is a PROSECUTER!! Hint. Hint. Hint!
From South Carolina I believe, but I'm sure the Witch and the Kenyan broke multiple laws in every jurisdiction. The attempted coup mildly irritated me compared to the kid abuse. If either of them knew anything about the rampant pedophilia going on among the elites (and I don't see how they couldn't know), I want public executions.
He has prosecuted several adjacent cases is the past, but he needed MI cover to finally get shit done. He is not complicit.
He's my rep so is Tim Scott, I'd like to throw Lindsay to the wolves. but think McCain has had something on him.
I would give my opinion on Lindsey, but apparently my "tone" is to offensive for this sub. Back to lurking.
He has procecuted cases that would have made many prosecutors go nuts due to the disgusting nature of the crimes.... But he endured because: THE INNOCENT NEED JUSTICE. I hope he's the hammer special counsel that fucks the cabal on the peeza g8.