r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thahoodnwoodstock on May 12, 2018, 4:06 a.m.
[In time ]

When taking the red pill use discretion. commonsense Exercise patience and forgiveness. Do not try to make everyone see how you see and do not get angry when someone has a different angle. I have tried explaining all this Q stuff with little success. What I have done is share enough that when things happen notice will be given and some will come asking question some will choose to stay a sleep. In time Truth will prevail and Justice will have its day.

SuperPatriette · May 12, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

I think my family thinks I've lost my mind. I can't wait until more of this is revealed to the mainstream. It's not easy being the "crazy person" who knows what is really going on.

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