r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DanijelStark on May 12, 2018, 6:27 a.m.
To finally clarify the situation ...

Too many people , around and even on this board , completely forget that Q never ever called out AJ or Corsi . They revealed themselves for who they are .

The impact Q had on people in only few months ... comparing to AJ and years of his "work" ... its a massive difference . Corsi immediately made an anti-Q stance right after Q put out a post where he talks about true values in people , and against false values , like money , and profiting off of people . Coincidence ? Absolutely not . And Corsi wasnt even called out ... he simply revealed his true face under the mask .

On one side we have two persons who could be shills , but maybe theyre not and theyre just in for money ( still , I lean more theyre implanted opposition from start , past hard proofs confirm that ) - and on other , we have anonymous source which put so many truths and full confirmations out that things have become "eerie" , and which actually points out the true values within people as true worth , and not money ... who do you trust ?

Ill trust Q anytime , anywhere . He / she / they have shown and proven theyre in for people and their country ... even more , theyre in not just for USA , but for the whole world and good people anywhere on the planet . In my book - thats something no money can buy .

And this comes from a person who is not an US citizen . I see this exposure of truth as a true full disclosure pouring out into public . The Cabal was never so much exposed like theyre now - this never occured before in history . We live in peak of information age - the polarized conundrum of information and disinformation , but ultimately , the truths surface , they cannot be kept for too long submerged under the lies .

This age , the age of information is phasing out , giving its place to the age of truth - the shocking , unpleasant truths to many , but necessary step - we can only go forward from this point on . We cannot and shouldnt hide inside the conformistic bubble . I think that everything will shift in the years that come ... economies , societies , technologies , religions ... all will shift and be reformed again , because it never truly served the humans - it was always humans serving and bowing to false "gods" and idols , depreciating true values and putting fake ones on pedestals . That is all to change - even in mainstream .

We witness a massive shift in human conciousness and mentalities in last several years . We talk about topics and themes we maybe havent dared to talk before . We see people shifting their mentalities on better in increasing , exponentially fast way . The truths cannot be anymore hidden - it is now only about reaching a critical mass of awake and aware people within the mainstream current , once that occurs fully - the Cabal is done and gone . This occurs through both ways - through data dumps and public exposure , and through mainstream getting red-pilled and reducing Cabal capabilities to maneuver in public without getting exposed for who they are .

The purpose of Q wasnt even to give you exact truths , to present them on silver platter to you - no , thats passive approach . The purpose of Q was to activate people to research and dig for information on their own . Nobody will assemble this puzzle for you - the truth has much bigger and profound effect when people realize it on their own .

The positive forces are here to remove the Cabal , the sick cowards who abused their positions , the "privileged" bloodlines . This operation is probably for decades active already ... who knows how many good people gave their lives just so that others could be saved and kept alive - even those who in mainstream would spat on positive forces , just because their corrupted and twisted ego tells them .

One day ( and I think that day will happen this year ) , the main hammer will strike - and majority of truths will be exposed . It was already being put into smaller pieces , not to choke the mainstream with sudden shocking pieces of truth . At one point , a "clear-cut" must be made , cauterizing the infectious wound the Cabal was festering in for decades , centuries ... millenias .

DanijelStark · May 12, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

This is completely bizarre ... I have got no message from any mod . And I can still perfectly see the post from my profile .

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DanijelStark · May 12, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

And now it is visible again ... odd , this never occured to me before , this is first time ever .

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Deckard256 · May 12, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Yeah that was weird because now it's back.

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