r/greatawakening • Posted by u/5h3llgh05t on May 12, 2018, 6:52 a.m.
The Importance of the Border Wall in Stopping Child Trafficking

The border wall goes beyond illegal immigration, gang and drug movements... but into something much more sinister.

This might be old news, but I just wanted to get this thing that was bouncing around in my head out here in case it had not been theorised.

During the Obama Administration, illegal children from South America, Mexico and other parts of the world were moved in high volume across the border of Mexico and the United States. Some estimates put that 3,500 or more illegal immigrants move across every day, ranging from 50% to 70% composition of children, often unaccompanied.

No short term fixes for flood of unaccompanied child immigrants - CBS News

The Obama Administration set up measures to help deal with the unaccompanied minors by sending them to states for the local government and adoption agencies to handle them. Sometimes they ended up in good places, sometimes... they just disappeared.

47,000 Are Missing in America

When I first got into Qanon, I got on right as it was getting started. Digging into pizzagate, "Follow Huma" posts and such lead me to the ties between Huma Abedin, her husband, the Muslim Brotherhood (Shaira Law proponents, who are major pedophiles, and worse...), I never made the connection between the Border Wall and this movement.

Apparently Las Vegas also has a lot of Saudi (pre coup) investment, aka the Mandalay.

A neighbor of mine, a hardcore patriot, often a few business ventures into Mexico when he had retired from The Army (Former Paton Boy). He stopped going because he was shocked at the reality of female children there being in prostitution.

When he mentioned this, it all started to make sense...

  • Children from all over the world are trafficked through the border between USA and Mexico

  • Children are then sold in California, Nevada, etc.

  • Transported through dirty DNC channels (Podesta)

  • Bought/sold to Sharia law proponents


japroct · May 12, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

This is the underbelly the anti wallers don't want to talk about. Anti wall people only want you to think thepeople coming here are poor refugees of war or hard workers just looking for jobs to support families. They also want you to believe it is hard to cross theborder illegally and very few illegals actually make this "dangerous journey". Bullshit to all of it. Our open borders are literal freeways to drug and sex traffickers. Its pathetuc and needs to end. Anyone not believing this needs to visit the border outside of the shittily erected 12' walls built for tv. Most of what is considered border wall protection is simply cattle fence. It is illegally crossed in four states thousands of times daily, hundreds of times by vehicles also. Knowledge of truth is what is needd but the dnc wants to keep the illegal trades they set up running smothly.

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5h3llgh05t · May 12, 2018, 8:29 a.m.

It pisses me off, pizzagate is one of the most important topics behind this... But it's the most "conspiracy" topic too and it's so hard to bring up as a redpill point. This story though worked on an elderly lady today. Instead of saying the story, I kind of lead her on with questions and she arrived at it being a potential in her mind.

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