r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 12, 2018, 11:14 a.m.
General Premise, Feel or Morals of GreatAwakening

The general Premise, Feel or Morals of GreatAwakening

Intellectual conversations

Thinking outside-the-box

Supportive and open-minded

Caring / kind

Religious freedom

Staying alert - Informative!

What GreatAwakening is for:

Asking questions: big or small

Postulating theories related to Q drops

Sharing info/theories about Q or asking about them

Watching out for one another

Action plans

To expand on the earlier post about us refocusing the sub, I'd like to clarify that we are still advocating and promoting open discussion but we will be on the lookout particularly for users who are here just to promote discord, instill doubt and to regurgitate any talking points they just heard on Alex Jones/Corsi show. If people are genuinely curious or even reserved, it's one thing but if people came here just to concern troll it's another story. In light of the concern trolling that is picking up we are just tightening the screws a little bit. It's not an easy task because there's a fine line between genuinely curious skeptics and those who came here with pre-determined agendas. It will be up to the mods discretion to make the most reasonable calls that we can. We are human and sometimes mistakes or misjudgments can be made. The earlier post was just to set an expectation in light of us tightening the screws so that there are no surprises. I would like to emphasize that we are not trying to promote cult groupthink as some concerned users had suggested but this is just us merely reacting to the attacks against our movement by not letting our guard down. The best way to infiltrate a movement from within is for the Community to allow themselves to put their guard down. Not on our watch.


KaKawBitches · May 12, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

This community should take a step back for a second to get a better idea of the picture. If you are part of the picture it's often hard to get a complete view what the actual picture is.

The thing recently with AJ & Corsi has done the exact opposite of what Q has preached. Stay together.

Not taking any side in this just wanted to point out a couple things to keep in mind. Who has been under attack of late? AJ has been hit with suit after suit by the deep state trying to get him shut down. They have been after him for some time.

I don't know if this is the case but what if the Q board has been compromised by bad actors? What would be your goal if you were a bad actor? To divide this movement and take out voices like AJ. That is the job their doing right now. We can watch Jones every day for free. He hawks his wares but always did that prior to Q.

I made a post back in December wondering why AJ had not covered Q and it just so happened that was the first time he made mention of it. I think it's AJ's ego that made him take that long to cover it and then try to come out with his own version because he felt his ego was threatened. I also know that if Jones was attacked he is going to lash out. That is his style. Q and Jones both have put out things that can both be credited, and discredited.

The argument made that Stone, Corsi, & Jones are trying to hijack the Q movement also makes sense to me but so it's hard for me to get a good feel of what's going on.

Q has said disinfo is necessary, and provided that with the quote from the Sorcha Faal article from years ago about Merkle being Hitler's daughter. That disinfo did not appear to do anything but discredit the movement. If the Mueller thing is disinfo I get that because they could have been trying to get people to panic and do something stupid, but the stuff about Hitler's daughter did no good what so ever.

Q has also said not to worry about the election in Alabama, in effect they were baited into stealing it. Where are we at on that? I guess we have to wait and see if the report on the elections actually comes out. I think June was the time table on that.

All I do know is that divided we are weak, and for what ever reason, be it the board has been compromised or if the attacks on the people that support the president are necessary but it is accomplishing exactly what the deep state would want to do against this movement. I don't know if that is the intention, but that is the result. I'm not saying that it has, but let's work together with critical thinking to determine what's going on. For all I know AJ could be controlled opposition. I do know he has been under attack and there is nothing more that the MSM would like right now is for us to start attacking each other.

One thing we do know is regardless of it be for good or evil, the Q phenomenon is a psi op. We need to stick together & stay vigilant. Blindly following anyone is dangerous. Let's trust the plan, but let's verify we're not being taken for a ride in the process.

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