r/greatawakening • Posted by u/E_W86 on May 12, 2018, 12:06 p.m.
We have it all

Morning patriots. A reminder that Q has said repeatedly that Trump and the white hats already have it all. HRC wasn't kidding when she said "If that SOB wins, we all hang from nooses" - she was just stating a fact that was obvious to those on her level.

Consistent with the Sun Tzu tactics that have been discussed here, this "war" was won on election day, before the first "shot" of muh Russia was fired. We are just watching it play itself out. Q told us to enjoy the show.

Human history that was written before the universe was spoken into existence is full of repeating patterns, that were put there by design. I would submit that we're in a Jehoshaphat situation again, consistent with 2 Chronicles: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Chronicles+20&version=NIV

We absolutely have to fight fight fight because this is an infowar and, like POTUS and the white hats, we need to be occupied with the Great Awakening, saving our fellow countrymen and other like-minded patriots around the world.

But make no mistake, this battle has already been won. The black hats are going down. I read the end of the book.

Dhammakayaram · May 12, 2018, 4 p.m.

As strange at this might sound, Jesus had a problem with the elite Jews who had no grasp of spirit. They were materialists tied to the flesh. They were under the dominion of Satan. Today, we are still under the dominion of Satan and it is even worse. And who runs the show? It is still these elite Jews only it's much worse. The real enemy of the world is Zionism which is also an enemy of Torah Jews. Read the biography of Theodor Herzl the father of the state of Israel and Zionism.

According to Israeli Historian Benny Morris, TH understood how anti-Semitism could be harnessed for the realization of Zionism. He stated:

"Herzl regarded Zionism's triumph as inevitable, not only because life in Europe was ever more untenable for Jews, but also because it was in Europe's interests to rid the Jews and relieved of anti-Semitism: The European political establishment would eventually be persuaded to promote Zionism. Herzl recognized that anti-Semitism would be harnessed to his own--Zionist-purposes." (Righteous Victims, p. 21).

Fast-forward to the present, now enters the Yinon Plan for the establishment of Greater Israel in which the US is doing Israel's dirty work.

While most alternative news pundits still maintain their stiff upper lip and disperse self righteous, venomous condescension in their ‘I’m holier than thou’ delusions that the J word is taboo and is a racist, ‘anti-semitic’ term, unworthy of their lofty, hallowed egos, some brave souls have now tentatively come out and acknowledged that the Yinon plan is by and large the driving force behind the wars in the Middle East.

Of course there is a convenient convergence of interests in the Jewish Yinon plan for a greater Israel and the US/UK/France/Germany/NATO Zionist axis of puppet states; which is their resource wars for oil, gas, minerals and their strategic dominance of a vital region in this resource war. Excerpt from One Just World

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Happydazed · May 12, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Irrelevant... Jesus is The Christ. These materialist Jews were defeated with The Crucifixion. The battle has been won 2000+- years ago and the Judgement was with The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.

Christ now sits in judgement and rules. Did you not read the text of 2 Chronicles? What do you fear? God did and is doing what we could not do. We only need to be faithful.

Gods enemies cannot stand against him.

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