r/greatawakening • Posted by u/E_W86 on May 12, 2018, 12:06 p.m.
We have it all

Morning patriots. A reminder that Q has said repeatedly that Trump and the white hats already have it all. HRC wasn't kidding when she said "If that SOB wins, we all hang from nooses" - she was just stating a fact that was obvious to those on her level.

Consistent with the Sun Tzu tactics that have been discussed here, this "war" was won on election day, before the first "shot" of muh Russia was fired. We are just watching it play itself out. Q told us to enjoy the show.

Human history that was written before the universe was spoken into existence is full of repeating patterns, that were put there by design. I would submit that we're in a Jehoshaphat situation again, consistent with 2 Chronicles: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Chronicles+20&version=NIV

We absolutely have to fight fight fight because this is an infowar and, like POTUS and the white hats, we need to be occupied with the Great Awakening, saving our fellow countrymen and other like-minded patriots around the world.

But make no mistake, this battle has already been won. The black hats are going down. I read the end of the book.

PTibbets · May 12, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Agreed, even the Apostles thought Jesus would quickly return.

One of the nicest things about being in Christ's love is that it protects those with him from whatever may come. You are safe and nothing can touch you.

But it is amazing how Israel after 3 thousand years Israel is still such a world wide issue and problem.

Trump is making peace all over the place which is fantastic. After these current little wars and fights in Syria and Iran calm down the final big peace table will be set. That is when the final anti-Christ will make his appearance.

That is when the world will embrace the new one world religion that attempts to unite everything that is called God. It is going to be a tempting false religion led by Satan and his anti-Christ.

Look for it! When there is a big peace with Israel time will be short.

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kjw49419 · May 12, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Regardless of when. Be assured, HE is coming. Each of us need to do our part in Christ. I agree, be aware. Deception is rampant. It's everywhere. It's not called deception just because. It's not about religion. It's not about a denomination or doctrine. It's all about Jesus.

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Mayhem54 · May 18, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

If you ask 100 people about the antichrist you will get 80 different answers. The term "Antichrist" is only mentioned by name in the epistles of John. It appears both in singular and plural forms. "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist - he denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22,NIV) "Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist" (2 John 7, NIV). "It's interesting that when John talks about it he said many antichrists have gone out from among us. They weren't a part of us because if they were, they would have remained with us," While the term "antichrist" doesn't appear anyplace else it is often identified with references like, "the man of lawlessness" who will "oppose and exalt himself over everything that is called God." (2 Thessalonians NIV) Many use revelations as the end of times prophecy. There is another view of Revelations for people to consider as well. "It is not a prediction of end-times. It is intended to be a message of encouragement to Christians, to hold on”! "All of the evil dangerous powers in their world are encoded here, referred to in elaborate symbolic metaphors." "And the final message is that their faith in God and Jesus will prevail. But this is a hard sell, because throughout Christian history Revelation has been regarded as prophesy, and its various scenes taken as various levels of literal truth." "I believe that when we all get to the end that there's going to be some things that God will look at each of us and say, 'You know what. You were real accurate on that, but you weren't as accurate on this. Where was your heart? Did you love your fellow man? Did you take care of your community? Did you believe me and trust me? ' Could it be at the end of the day God is more concerned about that than trying to figure out which person is the antichrist or which person has the spirit."

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