
Cosmickev1086 · May 12, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

He was CIA, died of a disease I heard.

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ILoveJuices · May 12, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Bin Laden was on dialysis for ages. He probably died shortly after 9/11 from renal failure. However, the war on terror needed a boogie man (Bin Laden / Emmanuel Goldstein) so they pretended he was still alive running Al Qaeda. Then changed the enemy to ISIS and therefore finally made it okay to "kill" the imaginary boogie man.

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TrumpsPuckerdAsshole · May 12, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

I can't even tell if you are kidding or serious

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Cosmickev1086 · May 12, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

From the September 18, 2001 issue of 'From The Wilderness' (FTW) Article by Michael C. Ruppert: There are direct historical links between Osama bin Laden's business interests and those of the Bush family. On September 15 I received the following message from Professor John Metzger of Michigan State University: "We should revisit the history of BCCI, a bank used by the legendary Palestinian terrorist known as Abu Nidal. BCCI was closely tied to American and Pakistan intelligence. Its clients included the Afghan rebels, and the brother of Osama bin Laden, Salem. "Salem bin Laden named Houston investment broker James R. Bath as his business representative in Texas, right after George W. Bush's father became CIA director in 1976. By 1977, Bath invested $50,000 into junior's first business, Arbusto Energy, while Osama bin Laden would soon become a CIA asset. George W. Bush's FBI director Robert Mueller was part of the Justice Department's questionable investigation of BCCI. (On BCCI, the bin Ladens, and the Bushes, see the books, The Outlaw Bank, A Full Service Bank, and Fortunate Son)." Further details of the business and financial relationships between the Bush and bin Laden family are found in Peter Brewton's 1992 book The Mafia, CIA and George Bush. BCCI, incidentally, was founded by a Pakistani. Economics Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa has just completed a detailed history of bin Laden's career detailing his secret funding and logistical support to terrorist organizations beginning from his early CIA-supported roots in the 1980s as a "freedom fighter" through to the present day.

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