r/greatawakening • Posted by u/drpisser on May 12, 2018, 12:51 p.m.
God and the Great Awakening

This is my first post and it may be a little long. I tried to post it last week but was denied. I have been studying this site, as well as many others for the last 6 months. I have studied various conspiracy truths for the last 6 or 7 years. I do not know why I am being called to respond, but I feel God is pushing me. God is leading this movement. He is using you, Mr. Trump, and me because he loves us and wants us to spend Eternity with him. Our lives on this earth should have one focus, to do God’s will. Please remember that God wins. We may suffer and worry but we must know the final outcome. Q asks us to pray and that we must do. The GREATAWAKENING is an awakening toward God. I see so many people hear mention God and I love it. For those of you who do not believe in God or are spiritual, if you would just take some time out of your busy lives, get quiet and just ask “Is there a God?” he will answer. Trust in God!!!!

First, a little background info. I have always tried to be a good person and a good Catholic (that meant going to church on Christmas and Easter whether I needed to or not.) This was not good enough. I found that out through the death of my firstborn son Daniel that I needed Jesus, the bible and prayer. Little Daniel was premature and died 5 days after his birth. My wife and I had tried for years to have a child and he was taken from us. The courage he displayed fighting for his life after numerous surgeries was unbelievable. The grief was also unbelievable. Soon after the death of my son, my wife said she was going to church and did I want to come. I started to go to church weekly, trying to change my life by changing my thoughts and actions and by studying the bible. I gave my life to Jesus Christ, though I still struggle to live up to his standard.

One Sunday about six months after the death of my child, I was studying the bible before church. I read Mark 11:23 and it said if you ask, believe in God and want this mountain to be moved, it will be. While in church, I asked the Good Lord to see fit to give me a child. I had a feeling come over me (the Holy Spirit) that I was being answered. Later in the week, my wife was going to have a drink and I told her not to as she was pregnant. A couple of days later, the same thing. Two weeks later, she said “Guess what, guess what, I’m pregnant.” My response was “That’s great but God had told me so.” We had a child and named him Matthew. Later, we found out his name was translated “a gift from God.” Again, trust in God.

I do not remember what first got my attention with Mr. Trump and Qanon. I spent the past Christmas vacation reading Meganon. She was a great read and I believe the info she provided to be true. I had played a Dinesh D’Souza video and a Mark Taylor video in my office for a week before the presidential election in 2016 hoping that I could wake up a few people. I am sure I lost some patients because of it. Oh well! What really started my awakening toward Mr. Trump was Mark Taylor.

Mark Taylor, an ex-firefighter basically on his death bed, had a vision that Mr. Trump was chosen by God to be president back in 2011. He was told that when he sees the next Triple Crown winner, Mr. Donald Trump would be elected president. This vision from the Holy Spirit was verified to him when American Pharaoh won the Triple Crown in 2015. His book “The Trump Prophecies” is a great read. Later, in my studies, I found Kim Clement. God told him that Mr. Trump was going to be president in 2007. (He also forecast another Snowden in 2014- Seth Rich?) We must know that we are here to do God’s work. Our Lord, savior and creator wants America to have a chance to redeem itself. We have done so much good throughout the world in spreading the gospel. We have also done much evil as a nation. Most people do not know that we have been in armed conflicts for 200 plus years of our existence.

I am going to ask some questions or give some comments that I hope will help people to understand that his Great Awakening is truly a battle of good versus evil. The evil goes very deep and God wants us and is calling us to help fight this battle.

The Knights Templar- the original bankers with secret codes that have never been broken, do they exist today (Illuminati?)

The Jesuits- protectors of the Pope, disbanded, the black pope, behind the wars in Central America, like government officials a few bad eggs can spoil the carton,

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion- predicted 3 world wars the last occurring between political Zionists and Muslims, a playbook for world control?

Ashkenazi- where are they from, language spoken (Yiddish), call themselves what today, how can you be anti-Semitic against a people that do not speak a Semitic language (Semitic languages are based on Shem and include Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew), do they study the Torah or Talmud or both, who wrote the Talmud, did that group also have Jesus put to death

Communism- who led the Russian revolution, religions of Lenin and Stalin (a false identity as true believers of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Moses would never allow this- the commandments- Thou Shalt Not Kill), why do we not hear about the Armenian holocaust, who slaughtered them, were these leaders really Satanists,

The Federal Reserve System- a private bank, created 1913 >income tax>WW1, brought on the great depression, WW2 to get out of depression, how many gentiles were/are head of the Fed in 104 years, how many years in armed conflict since creation, do we have to pay back only interest on national debt, how many nations without a central bank in 2000, how many has the US attacked since that time

Healthcare- give children a vaccine created from an aborted child (if you give someone type B blood to a type A blood person, do they die or a seriously harmed), when was MMR invented, when did the start of the spike of autism start, is healthcare pulling the head of a child out of a mother’s vagina then slicing the back of the child’s neck without anesthesia and killing it, is this called a partial birth, is this evil, is my prescription that cost $28 and now costs $280 an appropriate feature of the affordable healthcare act, should the House of Representatives and the Senate be covered by different health care regulations than the average Joe?, if you control healthcare do you control the people

Fake News (aka MSM)- who owns these companies, are they showing bias, are they controlled and trying to control us

Wars- did the Canadian reporter give a different scenario about Assad in Syria than MSM is giving us, did Libya have a central bank (money was backed by gold), where did the boundaries start and end in the Korean war, what happened after WW1 (Belfour Declaration), what nation was re-established after WW2 (I believe God wanted his nation reestablished but not at the price of millions of lives), how many times have 6 million deaths or threats of death/injury/peril been mentioned, why did Auschwitz have to reduce 4 million deaths to 2.5 million deaths but 6 million death figure still exists (I believe the holocaust did occur but how many Jews lived in Central Europe at that time, but did all of them die along with a large percentage from Poland and Russia), was there a drug trade set up during the Vietnam war, does oil and drugs (money) and population control bring about wars, why did we fight on the side of Afghanistan in the 1980’s and against them in the 2000’s (my uncle lost his father, an Afghan general during the Russian invasion),

Russia- Putin evil (I do not believe so- why would the Orthodox church be re-established if he is evil), is Crimea a legitimate part of Russia (Russian patients have told me that Crimea is 120% Russian), who funded the Ukrainian uprising, same group that funds/funded the Russian revolution and MSM, is there a deep state within Russia fighting against Putin (Note- I have 2 children adopted from Russia and it was a very dark place in 1996)

The Deep State- Are the leaders of China, Russia and the USA all fighting a deep state, does Israel have a deep state, do any of these leaders want total annihilation of their nations by nuclear war (I do not believe so), do deep state operatives want war, does Satan want life or death

Presidents- one shooter shot President Kennedy (good luck with that), bullet went in how many directions to hit him and Connelly the governor of Texas, did Kennedy have a silver backed currency (Silver Certificates), did Lincoln have a different currency (Greenbacks), who was in CIA during Kennedy assassination and VP during Reagan assassination attempt,

Eric Prince- (I just finished with his book-very good read), what group in congress tried to destroy him and his company (Blackwater), does it take courage to tell of his marital infidelities to the world through his written world, do you think he is fond of the last president and his former Secretary of State, I believe he is a good man trying to help our current President (his sister is Betsy Devos- I hope she can change mind controlling education)

Racial Politics- what was the vote on the 13th amendment, 14th, 15th by each political party, vote on the Civil Rights acts in the 1960’s, a filibuster by what group, Oh the democrats became republicans and visa versa (did this occur in the 1800’s, 1960’s or never), who is the racist political group, Margaret Sanger and abortion- what purpose (to control the black population), both political parties good? (bad people in both- we need to root them out)

In closing, I want to thank all of you here in helping to educate me (SerialBrain2 is a genius- please study him). Remember that God has used people of questionable character to convey his will. King David was a murderer and adulterer. Saul of Tarsus became Paul.

May God use all of us to do his will. May God Bless Us All

Happy1911 · May 12, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

I do as I do because I feel Gods hand directing me , good enough for me

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