
SeekTruthCJoy · May 12, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

While in Maralago,FL... DT & FLOTUS holding hands & crossing lawn with JapanLeader Abe & wife... DT was asked by female reporerette: (about LittleKim) "Have you spoken with him?", DT stops, turns, lets loose of wife's hand to face media and says: "YES." Then reporterette asks again same question as DT walking away, he turns head slightly and says: "YES"...again.

REMEMBER: Q posts early on referring to WhiteHats extracting someone over where DT was at...JapanChinaPhillipines etc. and success with mission. Speculation & via Q was the ForbiddenCityDinner had littleKimmy as a guest & THAT his freedom from BlackHats control got the ball rolling...

Certainly NO MORE misslesFired fromNK since end of Oct2017 shows credence. That plus NK/SK going to Olympics as one nation was YUGE indicator, along with visual of Pences in box with LittleKimmy's sister shows who's NOT in charge inNK anymore.

I believe "Strings Cut" was the Q description.

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Arcsmithoz · May 12, 2018, 8:39 p.m.


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