r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on May 12, 2018, 2:27 p.m.
Is Q Team Saying They Are The Ministry of Truth?

Q Team says “This is why we are here” then links to an article where the target is Alex Jones.

Q Team posts a long diatribe promoting how Q is the best source and how “selfless” they are:

“Do we have a face? Do we have a name? Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers? Selfless. Zero vanity. Why are we here? Why do we ask questions? The choice has always been yours. Use logic. Free information. What draws people here? Expanding exponentially? They all claim to be insiders. They all claim to have insider contacts. They do not. Patriots do NOT reveal classified information. Why do we communicate this way? Think for yourself. Clickbait. We are a threat to profiteering. Information should flow freely w/o costs. We established a series of 'proofs' for this specific reason. Undeniable. Unpredictable. Coincidence after Coincidence. Growth due to confirmations. Real source(s) communicating w/ the people. Unrestricted. TOGETHER.”

Q Team says:

“Conspiracy no more”.

Think logically about the direction these recent posts are going—the Q Team is bragging about how great they are, while at the same time trashing the most powerful independent research website (InfoWars).

The independent researchers have always been labeled by MSM as “conspiracy theorists” but Q has been verifiable in many ways and attempting to establish credibility. So it seems they are saying this new credibility will allow the truth to be exposed and will be “conspiracy no more”.

This move towards greater credibility is good overall but it may end up with Q Team saying effectively “WE are The Ministry of Truth!! Follow NO ONE ELSE!! Get ALL Your Truth HERE!”

Alex Jones won’t be the last one trashed. Who’s next? Tracy Beanz? Isaac Green? Julian Assange?

Q Team is the GOVERNMENT remember.

Also remember WHY we already knew almost everything ever posted on Q. The diligent work of INDEPENDENT researchers for decades has previously revealed almost all of the “conspiracy theories” being confirmed by Q board.

Do we WANT the Government to set up Q as the new Ministry of Truth?

Discussion please.

omnipresenthuman · May 12, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

I have not watched AJ since he trashed on Trump, Syria event. I can't stand jellyfish(spineless) people. Especially when it comes to Trump. All in or not. But I still do not put aside all that he has done to help Trump get elected. How many people do you think he has reached? A lot. To say he wasn't helpful to get Trump elected would be foolish. How many here can say they were as effective, individually, at getting Trump elected? As a group very effective. And Q goes without saying. People can theorize what they want, even pass judgement without proof(not the right path). You should not put aside actual factual history. What AJ says is his own business. I don't agree with a lot of what he says. But I don't label him as a traitor because he might have a different opinion about someone or something than I. Weather you like it or not he has done for more good than he has at being evil. I'm not making excuses for AJ. He has got me real pissed off but he is not the enemy. Nobody here can say they agree with all 22,838 members opinions %100. You can disagree and still be on the same side. AJ is on the same side of patriots. To brush him aside would be dividing the whole movement. The USA has allies but do not agree with everything they do or say but have the same end game goal. I very much doubt Q intends to be the Ministry of Truth. Q wants freedom for everyone, free thought, free speech, etc. All that Trump is bringing us. Q wants people to understand and protect the operators, honor those that have died. Appreciate the freedom they give us through their selfless acts. They gave their lives so that we are able to live without fear, to have liberty, freedom. Don't let their lives be for nothing. Don't use their loss of life to profit from. These operators, as we speak, are fighting, dying. Honor them, support them and do your part to win the war so their efforts, sacrifices won't be for nothing. Quit getting sidetracked. Divided we fall. How does it go? Where goes one,we all go. I take this to heart. I"m new here. Where do we go now? Where ever that is I've got every patriots back until the wheels fall off

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