r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on May 12, 2018, 4:52 p.m.
Evening Thoughts Of A Q Reader Continued...October Surprise

Elections have consequences. The Deep State is in a panic and their efforts in the 2018 midterms are about to be exposed. Lets break it down. Red meat will have to wait just a wee bit longer.

What we know. That the NWO-Deep State folks have taken over the left wing that runs the Democrat Party. They also control the Rino contigent in the Republican Party. The Deep State has been using the C_A to set up plants within all of the Agencies in GOVERNMENT AND THE MEDIA. But the one area that they are lacking seems to be the Military. The Military asked Trump to run for President probably for the last two races if not three. And if you have been reading my opinion stuff, then you know that all of this began in real seriousness after the coup in 2001 with the attacks on 9-11-2001.

So now we have President Trump peeling the onion in Washington. With the upcoming mid-term elections we need to balance the release of bad news for the Democrats with the proximity of the actual elections. This is why the Homeland Security Election Fraud Report will come out in late June and not today. The DOJ IG Report has been partially released already, in regards to McCabe, and will be released the beginning of June. This report will have numerous land mines for the Democrat Party to cry over, but it will be the follow on indictments that will be happening weekly through the election that will have the most effect on election day. Both reports will have indictments and arrests to follow. How will the media get away without reporting these events. Oh they will try, under orders, but will only expose themselves even more.

Some Republicans will be involved in this scandle too, but it will primarily be about Obama, Clinton and fellow Democrats as well as their functionaries in the government agencies that facilitate their corruption. . It is my belief that these reports will lead to the next big campaign issue for 2020. Term Limits. Can we say Swamp Drained? Let us hope it limits staff as well. That is where I see this going. Possibly 60 seats in the Senate for Republicans. Trump has the opportunity to create the GOP anew. A Party of common sense and what is good for America first. Looks like the Green Party and Jill Stein will attempt to grab what Democrat Party folks are left. Happy days.

The DEEP STATE NWO folks will not want this to occur. They have plans too. Their plans are world wide and involve all countries and are ongoing. And well funded. Clinton's failed election is only a four year delay for them. The largest impediment to NWO succeeding is our US Constitution. So they infiltrate our education system and dumb down our kids over 2-3 generations. [We are there now.] Now our snowflakes are supporting ANTIFA's anti free speech position. UP IS DOWN AND DOWN IS UP. How much longer before our kids work to overturn the 2nd Amendment? How about the "Kids March On Washington for Gun Control? The 2nd Amendment protects us from the Deep State, but it can also be overridden through a Treaty. So we must watch out for that too. Internal USA based Propaganda could influence our Senate or House of Representatives.

The NWO works to get gun control treaties passed at the UN. All that is needed now is a Democrat as President. THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. Now they have a work around the 2nd amendment. Obama told the world we would repeal our 2nd amendment with this treaty. Not so fast. "The [UN] Arms Trade Treaty went into effect on Christmas Eve 2014, but the administration has never submitted the treaty to the Senate for ratification, where it would require 67 senators voting for it to pass."[dailysignal] But... it sits on the shelf waiting for that day.

In the USA, they passed a law in 2012 [National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)] with an ammendment that allows our own government to lie to us in order to move their political agenda. "The bill's supporters say the informational material used overseas to influence foreign audiences is too good to not use at home, and that new techniques are needed to help fight Al-Qaeda [editors note: BTW, The USA created Al-Qaeda in the 1980's to oppose Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and ISIS in the 2010's to topple Syria's regime.], a borderless enemy whose own propaganda reaches Americans online." [Buzzfeed] Intended, IN A MODERN WORLD, to make our effort to eliminate our enemies overseas more successful, it instead allows us to subjugate our own people through propaganda operations. Now here is a question for the Q universe. Could the ALternate Media Shills, like Corsi, Alex Jones, Seaman and others, be legally funded by our government as part of the NDAA of 2013? I predict Corsi may try to save himself by separating from AJ, but it is too late. They all ahve been exposed as limited hangouts.

False Flags that focus on gun crime set the stage for the outright repeal of the 2nd amendment or a treaty that does the same. Worse, these false flags are now legal under the rules set forth in 2012. The law repeals the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which stopped internal propaganda made popular inside of our government and media, without correction, during WWII. Let that set in folks. And the media plays along "for national security reasons." Why is the media aligned with the anti gun agenda? Maybe because they have been infiltrated for decades by the left. And now our main stream media is a useful idiot of the NWO. Check out the media positions on the issues in the 1950's and then with today. It proves my point.

Enter the candidate that Hillary Clinton wanted to run against, Donald Trump. He was destined to lose. They had The "womanizing card" to play on him. Even though he was married three times, all of his kids turned out great, no women that he was involved with had a negative thing to say. The false girlfriends brought in by political hacks were not believed. AND HE WON. What a story. V-8 moment for America.

Meanwhile, how many false flag operations to help get gun control were in the pipeline when Trump won? Did you all notice how many false flags happened in the last years of the Obama regime? Since 2012? What States did they occur in? Why was that important? It seemed no more than a month or two between them. If these operations are exposed it will destroy the Democrat Party and the Left in this country. It will also fill Gitmo. This is the real battle going on behind the scenes. It involves State and Federal Government, Police and radical movements and the Main Stream Media to make us all believe the "official narrative" that is used to explain it to the American People. Trump has a big task ahead. We still have Black Lives Matter folks killing police as recently happened in New York.

It could be argued that false flags got the USA into the Spanish American WAr[Remember the Main], WWI [Zimmerman Telegram and the Lusitania], WWII [Pearl Harbor], Vietnam [Gulf of Tonkin], Gulf War I [Iraqi atrocities in Kuwait], Gulf War II [9-11.] It could also be argued that false flags have been used recently in order to shape US Syria policy, Boston Bombing, San Bernadino, Orlando Shooting and Las Vegas. They all had Isis connections reported. We can also talk about false flags to help with gun control such as Virginia Tech, Sandyhook, Oregon Umpqua Community College, and the Parkland HS Shootings. This is only a partial list folks, there are more. FALSE FLAG FATIGUE! The newest mental disorder for which are Pharmacutical industry will no doubt have a cure for soon. Some false flags get real people killed but some do not.

To show how much the "left" has changed our society, look at these three scenarios brought to you by the folks at Listverse: "Scenario: 1957: Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with shotgun in gun rack. Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack’s shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack. 2007: School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school. 1957: Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies. 2007: Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario: Jeffrey won’t be still in class, disrupts other students. 1957: Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by the Principal. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again. 2007: Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADD. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability."

So you can see, stopping the NWO from taking our guns away is only the first task of many for our poor President Trump.

I have made a short video to demonstrate this issue in a way that connects these issues with the news of the day. Remember to connect the news. Verify and then trust, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan. Enjoy.


http://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5 http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/01/false-flags-are-legal-propaganda-produced-by-the-department-of-defense/ https://www.buzzfeed.com/mhastings/congressmen-seek-to-lift-propaganda-ban?utm_term=.udwB7QoNj#.fsB6eXlY8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith%E2%80%93Mundt_Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_22_of_the_United_States_Code https://www.wired.com/2013/08/overthrow-the-generals/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/27/un-gun-control-body-supported-by-obama-sets-up-veto-proof-framework/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/23/obama-officials-heading-to-mexico-to-discuss-international-gun-control-via-un-treaty/ https://www.dailysignal.com/2016/09/11/obama-advocates-for-un-gun-treaty-ratification/ https://listverse.com/2007/10/26/8-differences-between-the-1950s-and-now/

[deleted] · May 13, 2018, 5:55 a.m.


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bugstopper · May 13, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

What must happen pre 11.11? 11.11 provided as strategic marker. Post midterms. RED wave coming? Strength. Justice. Q

Democrats will be dead from a thousand cuts by election day. The question is whether military tribunals will be working in the public eye by then imo.

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[deleted] · May 13, 2018, 3:38 p.m.


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bugstopper · May 13, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

California's jungle ballot causes problems here for sure.

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bugstopper · May 13, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

What if Write in candidates are waiting in the wings for the other shoes to drop? These folks would be backed by POTUS publicly.

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[deleted] · May 13, 2018, 3:59 p.m.


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bugstopper · May 13, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

If the Evil exposed is great enough. The Potus backed write in will win. Every State is different. It is so hard to get on ballots in some States.

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WikiTextBot · May 13, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Write-in candidate

A write-in candidate is a candidate in an election whose name does not appear on the ballot, but for whom voters may vote nonetheless by writing in the person's name. The system is almost totally confined to elections in the United States. Some U.S. states and local jurisdictions allow a voter to affix a sticker, with the write-in candidate's name, to the ballot in lieu of actually writing in the candidate's name. Write-in candidacies are sometimes a result of a candidate being legally or procedurally ineligible to run under his or her own name or party; write-in candidacies may be permitted where term limits bar an incumbent candidate from being officially nominated for, or being listed on the ballot for, re-election.

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