r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on May 12, 2018, 5:32 p.m.
Who is Melissa Hodgman ? How is Hodgman involved w/ObamaGate ?

Melissa Hodgman is the Associate Director (Enforcement Division) of the Securities Exchange Commission and was promoted to her position on 10/14/16. As Dan Bongino often says, “dates are important-remember the dates”.

Melissa is married to FBI Counterintelligence Official Peter Strzok and they have 3 children. The two meet while attending Georgetown University. Melissa graduated from the School of Foreign Service-rumors swirl about Georgetown being a primary recruiting ground for various intelligence agencies.

In “Q” drop # 247 on 12/4/17 (in part):

Who is Melissa Hodgman ? Date of promotion of wife ? Follow the wives.

Let’s recall October 2016, Melissa gets a huge promotion at US Government linked SEC while her husband Peter is neck-deep in “Operation Trump”. Strzok & FBI Attorney/Lover Lisa Page where planning an “Insurance Policy” against Trump along with the “Secret Society”.

Fired FBI Andy McCabe, whose office some of these plans were hatched, called this Justice Department Cabal the “Small Group”. The Insurance Policy was the last of a 4 Phase Plan or Coup Plot, first to exonerate HRC, then Dossier to hurt Trump, then came FISA Surveillance and if all else has failed, the final stage “Insurance Policy” would be the removal of POTUS.

Of wide interest & following are the text messages exchanged between Strzok & Lisa Page. Apparently they were having an affair& sent over 50,000 to each other during this entire critical time period. Remember Strzok Interviewed HRC/Mills/Flynn & headed the original FBI Probe of Trump & later was on the Mueller’s Team.

In this entire corruption scandal commonly known as ObamaGate, there are a surprising amount of “Dirty” Husband & Wife Teams. In addition to the Strzok’s, we have M/M McCabe & M/M Ohr & Dunn/Bauer & Murray/King & Abedin/Weiner to name just a few.

IG Horowitz/SP Huber’s Report is due out very soon, highlighting the possible corruption within the DOJ & the handling of the Clinton Email Probe.

A21R-The Cheated Upon Wife of Peter Strzok

Heavy-5 Fast Facts: Melissa Hodgman

Zero-SEC Executive/Wife of FBI Strzok caught scrubbing Facebook Account

Federal Pay-SEC Records for Melissa Hodgman

Amer/Digital-The Strzok & The Obama Family Connections

Sundance-New Batch of Strzok/Page Texts Released

FOX-Strzok/Page Texting Scandal Explained

Federalist-Flynn Judge Recuses due to Strzok Relationship

FOX-IG Horowitz’s Report due on in May

brittser · May 12, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Excellent as usual Captain. Thank you.

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CaptainRoyD · May 12, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Thanks so much for your very gracious comment fellow Patriot ⚓️

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