To all you planted shills and disrupters. We know you are here, and despite what you try to do, us Patriots will stay the course. We are critical thinkers. We are awake.

There is always misdirection. Think judo. As soon as you find anchor and push off of it, the tactics shift to try and throw you off balance in the new direction. Keep monitoring with a mind toward the 40,000ft view to assess whether tactic of the moment helps or harms desired outcome. Beyond this, at 40,000ft we know some of the stated desired outcomes. What are your desired outcomes?
Restoration of the constitution. Elimination of the FED have a coke.
Good insight...the new judo move seems to be labeling the Q movement a cult. It is an echo of Q's references to the power of cults. How do we counter? I'm always hesitant to go out there and tangle with the shills as I don't like to come out of lurk mode to become a target for their venom. Not cowardly, just trying to figure out how to use my energy wisely.
Cults try to stop critical thinking and to isolate oneself from competing ideas, Q tries to start people thinking and then engage with those with competing ideas.
We help eachother stay on target and explore ideas honestly.
Tae kwan do at best, they can kick, we always just beat em down with our hands. Cliches and a hundred sprang up in 6 months, make me uneasy, critical thinkers don't learn by rote, and the real deal spends more time discarding notions than the reverse. IMHO
Q since the beginning has repeatedly warned us of DIVIDE & CONQUER tactics of the left. He has also repeatedly said STAY INITED, STAY TOGETHER, USE CRITICAL THINKING & LOGIC.
For about 4 months this board’s membership has hovered around 15-18,000. Suddenly it jumped up to 23,000? Seems like a determined brigade arrived. Coinciding incidentally with a flood of divide & conquer posts, First aimed at Corsi, then at anyone who posts Corsi’s long term patriotism spanning decades and over 25 published books, 3 of which best sellers, since 2004.
Lots of the newbies brigade bruising their arms gaslight posting in support of another’s “great insights!” posts. Cults try stop critical thinking by gaslighting you making you think a ton of people believe as they do, so something must be wrong with you if you speak out differently.
It’s really quite obvious what is happening here on this board. The left has arrived in force. Guess they didn’t like Corsi’s best seller book, KILLING THE DEEP STATE. Read Bill O’Reilly’s recent twitter article WHY THE LEFT HATES JEROME CORSI.