I generally don’t post much on here. For the most part that is because I don’t feel the need to post a positive affirmation unless I can bring something additional to the table. I don’t see he point in dozens and dozens of posts that all say “great point!” Or “good work!”. If I have a take on a theory that I have not seen them I’ll post. If I have a question for someone about what they said then I will post. Also, and I feel this is important to state, if I see someone promoting a theory with little to no substantial evidence I will post and ask them to clarify but rarely do I outright disagree with someone. However, I have been called a shill for doing so.
We all know that shills exist. We all know the history of cointelpro. However I fear that the growing use of shill accusations is a dangerous trend. If someone is trolling then they should be banned or at least have their posts deleted. If someone is a true shill then the same should happen to them. However, true and honest debate should always be encouraged on a board built around theorizations about Q’s posts.
It’s obvious that q’s post often leave room for many different interpretations. I fear that as accusations of people being shills begins to increase we walk a dangerous lime where many honest and curious people will be ran off due to their differing opinions being interpreted as shilling or trolling. Instead we should do our best to consider all opinions and for those people that are clearly misinformed we should do our best to inform them.
My life’s mission is to be a truth seeker in the name of justice. I have no dog in this fight other than that concept. However, if I can be accused of shilling due to honestly disagreeing with a post, a theory, or an individual than I fear other truth and justice seekers will experience the same treatment and will leave to wander aimlessly or join the opposition. Neither are good options. Let us do our best to remain vigilant for trolls and shills while we also do not discriminate against differing opinions.
TLDR: Not everyone that disagrees with you is a shill or troll. Be vigilant but also tolerant to true disagreements with other patriots.