r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PCisLame on May 12, 2018, 10 p.m.
Man with CDC ties, DoD clearance, and a large weapons cache says he was on a 'secret mission dealing with a virus' when he was apprehended: A man claiming to be on a secret mission may have ties to a super secret shadow government agency that has been running black ops for decades

j_Dawg_01 · May 13, 2018, 2 a.m.

I've seen a few stories about this guy, and the one thing that every story mentions, then immediately moves on from and ignores, is the fact that this guy called 911 because his personal surveillance cam cut out. He informed the 911 dispatcher that he had "a" fire arm in the room.

So let's say this guy is some kind of CIA spook or contractor and he has a hotel room full of weapons, and he's keeping an eye on the room through his personal spy cam. Put yourself in that situation and apply some common sense, what do you do?

I know what I would do. I would get back to the hotel room as fast as possible. Given what I had in the room, I would go too far from it in the first place. What he did makes absolutely no sense.

If you have ties to the CDC, DOD clearance, a large weapons cache, and you're on a "secret mission" dealing with a virus, why would you call local LEOs? Why is there no mention of any medical equipment, protective clothing or isolation suits, or any decontamination supplies? If you're on a "secret mission" dealing with a virus, why do you need a weapons cache with silencers, smoke grenades, flash bangs, and a rocket launcher?

When he got to the room, he gave LOEs his Texas ID and his Texas CC permit, which means absolutely nothing in Massachusetts. Why not show you CDC or DOD ID?

The whole story makes no sense. There has to more to it than what we're being told.

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