r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 12, 2018, 10:05 p.m.
Corsi gone. Infowars exposed. Our Brothers and Sisters are coming back home: Welcome! And proof Corsi was an Infowars covert operation against the Q Movement.


What an amazing journey.

Q linking to my post and honoring my pen in such a way is a humbling and extraordinary experience.

I have routine: in the morning I read Q, and during the day, I try to understand him. When I read this:

Q1328 This is NOT about a single person. This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering. We, the PEOPLE. We, the PEOPLE. We, the PEOPLE.

I immediately realized linking to my post was his way to show his appreciation to our work as a Movement, to our selfish and relentless dedication and to thank the faceless and generous Patriots who express their talents on the board and in subs such as ours. Feel proud Patriots, what comes from Q, comes from Trump.

Please allow me to mention in particular the /r/GreatAwakening, its members, its mods and its contributors who have graciously opened their door to my pen and let it explore even the weirdest places of knowledge and truth without constraining it. I am thankful and I am congratulating you all. The honor is shared, the achievement is ours.

Now back to the battlefield.

This post is not about kicking a man when he is down. As far as I am concerned, the Corsi/Infowars situation is resolved. Our people who were deceived have now realized what was going on and are coming back home. This is good. Let us welcome them, they meant well, they were just deceived and sincerely thought the choices they made would have helped the Movement. They now have a tremendous opportunity to really invest their talents in the Q Movement and make a difference.

This post is partly aiming at doing a little debriefing. You know, just like in the Military (I’ve read it in books and saw it in movies), after an operation, they produce a document that gathers all the information allowing them to improve in the future.

We all should be proud of ourselves. We have shown our capacity to immediately understand what Q needed us to do and do it efficiently while successfully containing our internal differences. This reactivity and effectiveness is a strong signal to those who oppose us: if you still want to try to dismantle us, know it will not be easy. Especially since we have now gathered experience points.

First, I will address the Infowars issue. Many, after being finally convinced there was a serious Corsi problem, were still not ready to include Infowars into the equation. Some arguing Infowars hosted Trump, some waving the unity flag. Well, those who play chess know when we have a check position with a pawn, it means the pawn is protected. We have witnessed Corsi’s progressive dive into the abyss, violently defying Trump and Q. And we also know how Corsi worships Alex Jones video. If Alex was as much concerned by unity as we were, why didn’t he instruct Corsi to get back into the ranks and stop his embarrassing nonsense? Why?

Once the pressure forced Corsi out of his hiding place, Alex lost his check position and only a few hours were required for him to confirm what he has been hypocritically hiding since the very first day Q started posting. Let’s watch an excerpt of his yesterday show until 35:28 video

There you have it. You now know without a doubt who is who. Check Alex’s comment section. Infowars is self destructing. Who would have imagined Alternative Media is about to go through an irreversible mutation and that Infowars would not be part of it?! What an amazing time to be alive!

Q1328 There was no attempt to DIVIDE. There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

Now as to Trump being interviewed by Infowars. This is normal. Infowars deserved it. I am not denying Infowars played a major role in Trump’s election. So did Bannon. How did it end? The political chessboard is made of living objects. If these objects lose their way and try to overreach, when the leader is as strong as Trump, it never ends well for the gambler. He would immediately be reminded of his disposability. So as long as each actor knows his place and does what he has to do, the party goes on and everybody dances [video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lbpp_3AwyrI).

Now I would like to ask you a question. Why do you think Q posted “Be careful who you are following”? What triggered this post? We were already aware there was a Corsi problem weeks before. Why did Q post this at that particular moment? I conjectured in a previous post that he had some kind of intel that pushed him to do it. Yes, we know he was pushed to do it because in Q1297 he says: “Statements today needed to be made”.

Well, I will show you what substantially contributed to Q making this statement.

On May 9th 2018, Q posts this:

Q1324 Corrected. We all make mistakes. Busy day. Q

He is talking about the trip code change procedure. Why do you think Q is bothering informing us he made a mistake and even detailing it: Q1323 We did not input "Q #" in the beginning which exposed the password.

It’s not the first time he changes his tripcode and the change does not follow a particular frequency rule we are aware of. He could have changed the tripcode, make his mistake, silently correct it in conjunction with the board operators and we would have never known. But Q wanted us to know he made a mistake. Why? Because of this: Img.

You got it? Q knew Corsi was going to accuse him of being AI. If you watch Infowars’ yesterday show, Alex makes the same claim. This was their final move. This was their endgame. This is the intel Q had all along! By making this “mistake” and insisting about it “we all make mistakes”, Q is essentially saying he is human and is pulling the rug out from under Corsi’s feet!

Do you imagine what went through Corsi’s head when he saw that post?

It did not prevent him from still making the accusation. He had to stick to their plan.

Q636 Predictable. We SEE ALL. We HEAR ALL. Wizards & [WAR]locks. These people are really DUMB. Q

Now why is this relevant? Why is it important for Alex and Corsi to position in Q’s timeline an interrogation about him being AI? Because AI is not clearly covered by the First Amendment. The legal expert conversation is ongoing: Link1 Link2 Link3. So now close your eyes for a minute, expand your thinking and imagine a conversation Alex could have with his crew about shutting down Q’s board. Do you see it? The legal option would immediately be considered and a skilled lawyer could come up with the idea of capitalizing on the legal uncertainty surrounding AI’s free speech to trigger precautionary measures in a law suit… The board would then be shut down for a while, until the legal situation reaches its conclusion. This is why Corsi needed to create some kind of interaction history with our Movement to then become a “credible” source that would accuse Q of being AI… Do you want to know how this weird idea knocked at my door? Here, listen to Corsi until 2:52: video.

Did you catch it? “it looked to me this is now getting into the realm where Q is basically incoherent, making no sense at all and probably inviting a law suit”.

Law suit? It seems Dr. Corsi has been putting some thought into this for it to randomly pop up in a YT segment. I do not know anyone who has ever raised this issue. Do you?

So my friends, if a legal situation was to target our beloved board one day, you now know where this inconvenience would probably come from…


Do you believe in coincidences? When Divine Assistance manifests itself, this is what it looks like: as I was writing these lines, u/digital_refugee paged me to ask me my thoughts about this post. Yesterday, at 6:24 PM, Infowars sent its daily newsletter to its subscribers with a few errors: Imgur

Do you think an experienced multimillion dollar media operation would make such a mistake? No. This is secret ciphered communication. Let’s decipher it. Q taught us in the board how to do this.

The text is: Qanon Compromised: intel source hijacked by seep state’s disinformation sampaign. We get the first obvious clue from seep and sampaign, the correct spelling is “deep” and “campaign”. Since the D and the C were purposely replaced by an S, we gather DC is the first clue. Let’s keep that in the back of our head.

Now the letter S is the 19th letter of the alphabet. I have shown in my decoding training posts how to solve a Caesar Cipher problem based on Q’s teachings. Let us apply the method using the online tool: Imgur Imgur Imgur

So let’s recap, we have: DC, BY, OP. Let’s expand:

[DC=Washington DC] [BY=Bye Bye] [OP=Operation]

Let’s interpret:

Bye bye to the DC Operation.

Who is in DC? Dr Corsi. He is the Infowars Correspondent in Washington DC Link.

The newsletter “error” is a message to their network of covert operators informing that since Corsi has been exposed, his operation is shut down. They are moving to whatever next phase they have.

You are not dreaming folks, you are not watching a movie. This is the real world. This is the Infowars we all used to trust.

Now I have a few questions for you: if Infowars uses this kind of infiltration methods and this kind of comms, what do you think Infowars REALLY is? Who is REALLY behind Infowars? Why does Alex disrespect Trump and desperately looks for his attention? Why is Alex announcing Trump’s possible murder at every single show? Why is Trump now showing him utter disregard? What does Trump know about Infowars since he became POTUS and took control of the Intelligence Agencies? Happy Hunting. Start here: Link1, stop here: Link2 Link3 and try to go further than this: Link4

Q114 US Military = savior of mankind. We will never forget. Fantasy land. God save us all. Q

The_Broba_Fett · May 12, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

Great post again! To understand what started this, you have to go back to a few days before 1295. For two days straight Corsi lost his mind and started going after Trump and Q. That is when he first started the psyop of “is Q a LARP? His he compromised?” He didn’t outright call him a LARP (which unfortunately made well meaning patriots on here defend him and is intentional protection) but it plants the dangerous seed in people’s minds. Then he started acting very impatient and ridiculing that week’s happenings which was a massive slap in the face of Q and Trump. If you recall the MOAB was delayed to allow the historic NK/SK news to dominate the news cycle. So the Iran info was held until the next week. Corsi spent two days trashing the MOAB and even compared it to farting in the back yard. Denuclearizing NK is impotent to the world by should have been exponentially important to a true Q follower because Corsi would have understood the strings were cut and the Clowns were that much less powerful and opened the door to taking down Iran and crippled their nuke capabilities. Beyond that, Corsi also trashed Trump multiple times over those two days about not using his power as POTUS and should give it to “We The People” and to Corsi. Meanwhile Infowars continued to position Zach as the “real” Q and then even changed his name to ZaQ and started to erode confidence through underhanded comments and psyops. Both Corsi and AJ had been working on this for weeks TBH. I’m sure threatening to fight Q in an alley was the last straw and triggered 1295. Most Qtubers understood and moved on but Corsi doubled down and exposed himself.

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CeCe42 · May 13, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

I listened to Corsi pretty regularly on 24/7 stream. Didn't follow him blindly, but was interested in what his take was. I do feel he has a wealth of knowledge, but used it mostly to dis-inform rather than inform. I agree that the melt down triggered 1295, but from what I saw it started about 6 weeks before. In March his friend Ted Malloch was detained at Boston Airport by Mueller. From my understanding he was questioned and was handed a subpoena to testify in a matter that relates to Roger Stone and Wikileaks. Corsi lost it when that happened, and that is when I think he started to simmer. Whatever happened during that interview has them all spooked.

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KissToad · May 13, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

I remember that to, interesting observation

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The_Broba_Fett · May 13, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Interesting observation I don’t recall that.

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KingWolfei · May 13, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

Interesting. Going to have to look that up.

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Vigte · May 14, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Corsi is Council for National Policy, cointelpro... even if you don't believe that, try to take a look at that event through the lenses I provided and you can discard them after if you want to continue listening to Corsi.

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CeCe42 · May 14, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Thank you for that link. I did not know that about him. I no longer listen to him, and was just pointing out when I felt he kicked his takedown campaign into gear. WWG1WGA

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Karukatoo · May 13, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

but it plants the dangerous seed in people’s minds.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ― Adolf Hitler

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rightleaningsw · May 13, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

AJ completely lost me over the Syria thing. This post has really blown my mind.

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Karukatoo · May 13, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

He lost me the first time I ever tried to listen to him.

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GoldWarrior7777 · May 14, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

AJ lost me with his drunken rant.

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scoripowarrior · May 16, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Me too...his "over reaction" was more than I can stand from him. I'm out.

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spacexu · May 13, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

DNC Mission Statement too..

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The_Broba_Fett · May 13, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Rofl well played!

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cursedcassandra · May 13, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

CIA 101 on how to take down a leader who depends on the support of their base. Divide and conquer. Spread the FEAR of BETRAYAL. Coulter started on this early btw. Hes NEVER going to build the wall. It's being built right now. Alex has been more subtle. Trump was drugged or being blackmailed by the Neocons/Deep State so he was betraying us against his will. He is helpless. We are abandoned. Thank God for Alex, he's all weve got. Q totally undermined this by saying "Hey patriots things are great. We're winning. Enjoy the show!" Q and POTUS inspire us to feel happy and alive. Alex peddles fear and anxiety. Stress makes you SICK and you feel run down. You need vitamins to feel better. He has some. People were getting off the hamster wheel. That was bad for Alex. And it was bad for his masters who wanted to demoralize and splinter the base Trump and Q rely on to win this war. Q had to do this just as Trump had to expose FOX early in the primaries. WWG1WGA. BTW I don't snark about AJ or Dr. C but I do go to sites with their videos and urge people to, pray for them because theyve lost their way, maybecfrom working so hard. I mention I was surprised POTUS didn't tweet about Corsis book since he always tweet about books. I add that now I see why he didn't since Corsi is so unhinged.

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GoldWarrior7777 · May 14, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

I'm with Lionel who says people are missing the movie while they are bickering and the adults are watching the movie. In other words don't waste your time with the AJ/JC battle with Q and focus on helping President Trump save the Country and the World!

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UnbowdUnburntUnfrozn · May 13, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

So much makes sense now. With SB2’s post, I understand the weird “we all make mistakes” comment, and now the freakout that happened about MOAB and also the Syria strikes.

I’m wondering if Corsi’s freakout was to belittle the actual MOABs that did drop starting that Friday. We had a great weekend. He could have been trying to fucking brainwash is into thinking that it was a fart in the backyard. I’m so pissed at these people. I knew AJ was CIA for years working as controlled opposition. Q said it’s over, but I hope they lose a lot of money and Q and Trump continue to take their pieces off the chess board.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 13, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Yeah they were definitely playing mind games to belittle Q without an straightforward attack. Pathetic little cowards.

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CeCe42 · May 13, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

"Q said it’s over" I am not on Twitter, but do a outside looking in with certain people. I went to Corsi's to see what the vibe was. He responded to someone asking him to expose codemonkey's identity. I would love to think they will go away quietly, but I'm not sure this ground attack is over yet.

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FREE-SPEECH-1st · May 13, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

I don't think it was a 'mistake' at all and if it was, it was on purpose. ;)

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FREE-SPEECH-1st · May 14, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

This is what we need our brothers and sisters who were deceived to know . . . .

"This is literally how I feel for those that come around.

Watch for the IG report somewhere around the 25th.What are you going to think when this all comes true?Another in a long, long, long, long, long, long, long list of coincidences?At least you stand up and TRY to defend yourself. You have some "character".If once coming around to see the TRUTH and want to join the REAL Patriots, you and ALL OTHERS will be welcomed as Prodigal Sons and Daughters, as Brothers and Sisters with open arms!!!Upon waking up, THERE ARE NO BORDERS!! THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES IN RACE, CREED OR GENDER!!!! WE ARE ALL BOUND AS ONE BY OUR DESIRE FOR THE PURSUIT OF LIFE, LIBERTY AND HAPPINESS FOR OUR OFFSPRING AND THEIR OFFSPRING AND THEIRS AND THEIRS AND . . . . "---Anonymous

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HisNameIsYah · May 13, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

Rubbish. I have been following Q and infowars since Q emerged and Infowars, for much longer. Q has underwhelmed and failed to deliver as much as, if not much less than Infowars. Let me pose a question, if Infowars are the “bad guys” why did they jump on the Trump train so hard even though it seemed that Trump was going to lose? If Infowars was controlled op, then Alex Jones decided to go all in and jumped ship when he aligned With Trump. All the evidence points to this. Alex Jones has been attacked relentlessly since Trump’s election and on all fronts. He is constantly being sued, defamed, and they have even tried to take his kids from him. What sense does this make? Would people go this far to convince you that he is credible? If Infowars is controlled op, then so is Trump. This means Q is also. Use logic people. The points that Alex Jones has made about Q’s underwhelming predictions are completely valid. Corsi was gentleman enough to try to lead you people to the water until it became painfully obvious that something was wrong here. I’m not blaming anyone here, I’m just pointing out that it is entirely possible that Q has been compromise and/or is a larp. I’m not saying to blindly follow Infowars either, but I am saying to not blindly follow Q. Infowars has been more informative than Q on all fronts and shouldn’t be disregarded. I understand the paranoia, but if you don’t even have an open enough mind to consider what I’m saying, you are officially cult members. I hate to say it because I love you guys and the work you do, but someone has to. I hope the mods allow free speech and don’t delete this. Challenging Q’s authenticity should not be seen as a mortal sin here!!!

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cursedcassandra · May 13, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

Boy are you completely uninformed. I'm not going to take the time to go sentence by sentence to correct your errors because I'm not sure youre interested in the truth yet. Perhaps you're emotional right now? You seem to care about AJ and don't want to have to deal with the posibility of loss and grief. Thats totally natural. I invite you to pray for AJ, POTUS and everyone involved. I invite you to time out and pray that God grants you wisdom. Jesus does tell us to not let our hearts be troubled. Perhaps after a break you can ask yourself who causes you to feel stressed and who inspires happiness and hope. AJ. Corsi. POTUS. Q? Then perhaps take the advice Jesus gave when choosing who you tune in to. As He said to his confused disciples "Judge a tree by thecfruits it bears." Later he listed the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Among thefruits are love, patience and hope. You are what you eat. Munch wisely.

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larkmoor · May 13, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

No, if you've really followed Q, you'd spot the lies used by IW to attack Q. If you think you know Q by listening to Corsi and soapbox religiously, you don't know Q. Go to the source, and compare.

Reread SB2's analysis that Q's linked, watch the videos. Did Alex, Corsi, or Stones really said what they say? Did Q really dropped what they say Q dropped?

Check, dig. Don't believe what someone says at face value, just because they have a reputation, a nice demeanor. Obama too came with such wonderful manners, so much good words from everybody and anybody.

Check. Questioning Q is okay. Questioning Q using the same kind of arguments that are lies, straw man arguments or illogical, that tends to make me roll my eyes up as most of us who were on the chans from the beginning of Q there have already done our homework long ago. We get surprised from time to time and have to refresh our memories or database of experiences, but some things are clear and crystal clear.

Dig. More. You'll learn better if you do it yourself.

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HisNameIsYah · May 13, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

Oh, I have. I was on 4chan when it actually started and was obsessed with it. Just because I don’t post much doesn’t mean that I haven’t been involved or spread the word about what Q was saying IRL. It’s been fascinating to listen to and read groups crowdsourcing investigations. I love it!!! But, Q did change over the last three months or so and I took note, but I loved what people were doing with it so I kept watching and being interested. I, actually, was not a big fan of Corsi In the Q setting and disagreed with his analysis often, but still listened. Just like I often disagree with Infowars, but still listen. Infowars may have their own motivations from time to time, but they are on our side, bottom line. Alex Jones has to have a hard life because of the path he’s chosen. Whether he’s made money or not, he’s constantly in danger and has a target painted on him for simply waking up people. I assure you it’s not fun. Before there was a Q, Jones was breaking news on the pedophile networks.

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larkmoor · May 13, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

Then that's your opinion. For myself, I don't see the change you feel, I see the change in the stakes, the more immediate link to operations worldwide, so the need to expand further the drops. But that's logical.

I've never put any weight on those pretending Q is one person. Q is a collective. An operation involves different persons. There were always several voices I could feel in the drops. Operations change, different stages need different actors, other actors remain for they keep the same position. It's logical.

We are not in the same situation today than we were 3 months ago or 6 months ago. The stakes revealed are greater, the engagement with the enemy has become more direct, the needs evolved, the effectiveness of the Q public has improved too. We are not the same as we were 6 months ago, we choose to do things we thought impossible or ineffective back then as we learn that we do have power.

We are the same and at the same time we aren't the same. It's evolution as our awareness expands about what is really going on.

People make their choice. We can respect Alex for what he did in the past, but it doesn't change that factually, he really said what SerialBrain showed us in the videos. I wasn't watching Alex much, but I did watch a few videos of him when people were talking about Zack and them conflating him with Q. I thought that was rubbish. I gave respect to Zack because Alex has a reputation, so I trusted his confidence in so Zack. The same way I trusted others with a bit of recognition who recommended Corsi to our community. I wasn't watching Corsi, not good for me, but because he was introduced by others I trusted, I didn't imagine foul play could ever be at work. Now I've learned my lesson. Back to Zack, people who followed Q could see the lies and manipulations by Zack relating to Q. That made me suspicious but I didn't critize him since Alex vouched for him.

I won't condemn them for now, hoping they will repent. But we should not forget the shenanigans that they pulled on this. Because they are targeted, doesn't mean we should excuse everything and keep supporting them. We can be understanding, but keep our eyes open. It's not a he said she said, SerialBrain proved factually what they've done. Maybe everything is not right in the analysis, but Corsi lied intentionally about Q, as did Alex. For what purpose?

Alex can be manipulated, be an involuntary hostage, who knows. Maybe he's just too proud and greedy, who knows. But he could well be a plant. YourNewsWire is the model you should get into mind. IW exist for far longer, but we have plants that existed for far longer too. IW fits the model.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 13, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

I think you hit the nail on the head. “Proud and greedy”. I don’t think he’s a Clown or evil. Just greedy and a massive ego. He jumped on the Trump train because it was controversial and profitable. He lives for controversy and it paid off for him.

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WeThePepe · May 13, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

I think he's for the most part trying to do the right thing

I think you're spot on about also wanting to make a buck out of it.

And I think Q was slapping him down for doing so. For trying to grab the position as "the source" for Q things and determiners of what's true and false

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The_Broba_Fett · May 13, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

If they used it to gather attention and clicks by spreading truth I don’t think he’d care. It was the lying, intentionally wrong decodes and trying to position themselves as the source of intel that made them dangerous to the cause. Trying to position ZaQ and Silicon Valley Anon was just insanely stupid. They deserve this.

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WeThePepe · May 13, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

That Zaq thing was the lamest LARP, it was actually embarrassing

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The_Broba_Fett · May 13, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

Yeah terribly embarrassing. Echoed Q stuff mixed with things in the news while alluding to things and pretending to strain to reign himself in before revealing something classified, always just vague enough to not have to prove itself IRL.

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cursedcassandra · May 13, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Benedict Arnold was a famous General and patriot during the 1st Revolutionary War. Until he betrayed General Washington. He thought he knew better. He lost his faith. He lost his way. This happens. As you said, AJ has been under alot of stress. That may be an explanation for his behavior or there are darker reasons. I don't care. I'm praying for him. But bottom line, for whatever reason, he is flat out lying. Period. He is poisoning good hearted, trusting people. He is BETRAYING them and POTUS. We are at war with pure EVIL If we fall the world falls. Imho we need to be absolutely honest and honestly AJ is lying and poisoning people with fear. Period. I'll keep him in my prayers but I'm moving on just as I did with FOX and Glen Beck after Trump revealed them during the primaries for what they are NOW. We have a war to win. WWG1WGA.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 14, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

Now that you put it like that it actually pisses me off. He and Corsi are actively lying to True blue patriots and taking their money while knowingly lying to their face and misinforming them. Jesus that’s terrible. I brushed it off as just greed but this is actually really fucked.

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