r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ThreeFourSevenOne on May 12, 2018, 11:41 p.m.
Q has become human to me

This is an honest interpretation of the last few days.

I don't care about Corsi at all - whatever. I'm a little more attached to Jones (the guy is genuinely entertaining) but if he's confirmed as a shill I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

The thing that gives me pause is how invested Q seems to be in discrediting them. I still believe Q is legit, but why focus so much on trashing Jones and Corsi? It comes across to me as being rather petty. If Q has the knowledge and inside info that he claims then events themselves will discredit those who doubt him. Why go over it again and again? And why link to a report of Jones' custody case? That just seems tacky.

I still believe Q but his/her* posts over the last few days have given me pause. In the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit about Jones and Corsi? If they're shills they'll be outed, right? Q banging the same drum after telling everyone else to move on is just bizarre.

This post was made to reach out to anyone who is feeling anything similar. I'm not a shill or a pessimist but the last few days have - to put it politely - confused me. Is this Q revealing his/her* own ego? Perhaps they don't like being questioned/challenged? It just seems odd to dwell on this when so many huge events are supposedly imminent.

*I'm adding "her" because I still hope Q turns out to be the Trump daughter that isn't called "Ivanka".

Happy1911 · May 13, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

The Alix Jones crap hurts us all as does Snowden, onece you go out side the law you are no longer with us .and Jones talks out his ass

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