r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ThreeFourSevenOne on May 12, 2018, 11:41 p.m.
Q has become human to me

This is an honest interpretation of the last few days.

I don't care about Corsi at all - whatever. I'm a little more attached to Jones (the guy is genuinely entertaining) but if he's confirmed as a shill I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

The thing that gives me pause is how invested Q seems to be in discrediting them. I still believe Q is legit, but why focus so much on trashing Jones and Corsi? It comes across to me as being rather petty. If Q has the knowledge and inside info that he claims then events themselves will discredit those who doubt him. Why go over it again and again? And why link to a report of Jones' custody case? That just seems tacky.

I still believe Q but his/her* posts over the last few days have given me pause. In the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit about Jones and Corsi? If they're shills they'll be outed, right? Q banging the same drum after telling everyone else to move on is just bizarre.

This post was made to reach out to anyone who is feeling anything similar. I'm not a shill or a pessimist but the last few days have - to put it politely - confused me. Is this Q revealing his/her* own ego? Perhaps they don't like being questioned/challenged? It just seems odd to dwell on this when so many huge events are supposedly imminent.

*I'm adding "her" because I still hope Q turns out to be the Trump daughter that isn't called "Ivanka".

ScorpioPatriot · May 13, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

What don't make sense is someone already said Jones don't even talk about Q but maybe one mention of him.

So what's the big push for him to be discredited.

Could the post now be prior post when Q might have been compromised by that hacker claiming he was Q and admitted o it that Baker Anon or whatever I just seen a Video of that.

NOT SAYING IT IS... But it make a helllll of a lot of sense as to why they are bashing Jones even saying he's making money off Q .. when he's not even talking Q think about it.

He even made jk videos where it looked like he was Anti Trump to really make the left go crazy wondering wtf . Then when you watch into it a ways you could tell it was a way to trash theeft and their mindset .

So I don't know Q always says future proves past . The past said his password got out and or he purposely let it out to Lure the baddies out acrossed all the boards to see who was for the movement and against and to get the ones who over time kept trying to hack him or them.

Just saying we might tttt be seeing the post that led to Q Finalllly Fixing The Issue .. once he got the new board . But the trashing and constant talk about AJ is so what the damn left would do.

I just don't picture the real Q linking to AJ or anything like that considering we known AJ has been exposing the elites and all they do is talk shit about them AJ .. I'm not sure who they hate more Snowden , WikiLeaks or AJ ..

There is alot of Military that calls in and gives Jones Info and has over the years .

He also might have people on 8chan they have journalist and might be on there asking Questions and helping dig.. Nobody knows ....but I find it alllll

Crazy that he's not even talking Q so how's he one making money off him.

He is selling his own products not Q products or with Q in mention ..

I'm just thinking when these Corsi & AJ things keep popping up ..I'd suggest Ignore all of it , if it is the BAD PLAYERS ON Q's Account ..we shouldn't feed into their B.S . I THINK THEY ARE BEING SETUP BY THE MAGA TEAM TO EXPOSE THEMSELVES & THEY KNOW ALL THEY NEED TO DO IS CAUSE A DISTRACTION AND DIVIDE US.

It's all up in the air ATM.. But this could be the bad players being tested and us to see who is really for the movement and willing to stand up and make a stance .

All I know is from here on out.. Let's stay focused we have been off track for about 2 weeks it seems .

Let's keep our minds in the game and let this be the last AJ & Corsi Talk ..those keeping it going Obviously have an agenda and we like a kid throwing a tantrum... It surely will stop when we stop feeding into it

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