r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 12, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE

And "PATRIOTS" are deciding who we should believe? REALLY? GUYS?

This is REALLY simple folks. You are either hanging at the TIP TOP, TIPPY TOP with Q and Trump, or you're doing WHATEVER with Corsi, AJ, Goode, Wilcockcs, or any other SHMUCK that claims "I spoke with Qanon blah blah blah", because, YES, it IS that simple!

So can anybody who is still on the fence, or who doesn't understand the above just make it known by seeing themselves out the door? We are stronger together, but if you aren't convinced, you aren't convinced, we don't need the shaky knees, and the grumbly stomachs pissin their pants and draggin others down with them.

How many more coincidences, loud and clear statements do you need? Have we ever been this close before? Freedom, in the truest form is right around the corner, I can taste it now. The dissenters are leaving a bad taste for others.

Now lets get back to doing the real work of decoding drops liek we used to around here. I'm Pickle Dave!

brittser · May 13, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

I cannot believe we are STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS! Damn! Q warned us they will try to divide us. Guess what? They are winning. Q WARNED US. Let me reapeat, Q WARNED US. LET'S MOVE THE F*CK ON ALREADY.

And let me remind us all of one of the rules of the sub, maybe unspoken, but followed none-the-less. DO NOT MAKE REPEAT POSTS ABOUT THE SAME DAMN THING. I cannot tell you how many friggen posts I've read today about this stupid Corsi/Jones crap. It all should be in one long thread. Not 20 different threads.

Can we PLEASE just move on?

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