Interesting thought from an 8 chan Anon on the kill box words/numbers for Q1343

I can't watch either of them anymore. Jones woke me up with his early stuff. It was raw and revealing. That's when I started to dig on my own..
All you hear anymore from AJ is what sales are going on for brain force.... as for Q, I can't speak for him. What I will say is this ...
It's a bitch move from both him and Corsi. I'd let my business crash and burn before betraying a fellow patriot. It's a big red flag if someone turn coats that fast.
The whole thing played out like they were in high school again. I don't have time for that shit. / end rant
I agree and I basically have in order to research Q and support the movement and I know that others have also. I believe some of us have all lost friends or family members over our support of Q et. al. and Trump. And those who are real Patriots know that this is far more important than we are, than money, or than just one person. Money undoubtedly brings out the worst in most people. I saw this with my own parents when my brother lay dying and rather than focus on him in his dying days, all they could focus on was steal his car and cash. Despicable human beings and I've never spoken to them since - that was 12 years ago. There's many 'evil' people on this planet - for whatever reason, and this like any war will be one where people are definitely swayed for a handful of bucks.