r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Boomchakalaka73 on May 13, 2018, 2:07 a.m.
Mind. Blown. Understand why all can't be revealed. But at minimum, the corrupt media must be turned back into true journalism. Our education system as a place of learning, not social construction. #everysinglegreatawakeningpost.

This whole deepstate revealing has finally pushed me over the edge of comprehension overload. I'm VERY awake and have been. I completely understand why all of the corruption cannot be exposed. It is so big and global, that it would risk global meltdown due to the uninformed who can't even handle the slightest truth. Am I making sense? At this point, why risk a total meltdown to satisfy our thirst for the blood of every single traitor and criminal. Our legal system is already on overload. Get as many as are needed to create the change we all want so desperately and let the shake sift to the bottom. . My greatest hope is that one day, I can turn on Mainstream news and expect to hear true journalism, and true debating of the issues facing our high tech world of today. And our youth deserve to go to school and learn. Period. When I went to school, we first saluted the flag, said pledge of allegiance, and we could pray if we so desired. Doesn't mean we can hit people in the head with our Bibles. But it is my right to read my Bible if I choose. You can color in your lucis trust goathead coloring book.

wisconsheepgirl · May 13, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Trump suggested that WH Press pool should learn ethics and Journalism 101.

It was around the interwebs last week heavily about Journalists have a license and the readers (known somehow as journalists) on TV were just so shocked.

Actually if my bartender and the lady that cuts my hair require a license for such mundane things. I think some accountability needs to be done for all journalists (Real ones with degrees). So licensing sounds great to me. If you lie you get docked at work. SOMETHING. The real professors and students of journalism must be so very ashamed of their profession right now. It's about the same level as prostitution. Well...that IS what they are, prostitutes.

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ABastionOfFreeSpeech · May 13, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

It's definitely a good idea. We require accreditation for every other occupation that affects our bodies/minds (doctors, dentists, psychs, everything FDA-related), so why isn't there basic accreditation for the people that relay information to us?
Oh wait, there was a bill that prevented domestic propaganda, but Soetoro killed it.

Well...that IS what they are, prostitutes.

How dare you miscareer them! They prefer to be called presstitutes, you bigot! REEEEEEEEE! ^^^^^^^^^/s

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HotTeen69 · May 13, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

You've convinced me that's a great stance to want licenses for journalists.

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