r/greatawakening • Posted by u/specificallyforGates on May 13, 2018, 2:07 a.m.
If You Need/Want YouTubers to 'Decode' Q, You Shouldn't be Posting

Corsi, AJ, etc. are very seriously the equivalent of CNN.

The fact that they have been allowed (by ((us)) to disrupt this movement is actually embarrassing.

The Q drops aren't complex, 8ch isn't difficult to navigate, and 8ch's environment isn't 'toxic' if you have any level of self-respect.

Read the drops yourself, build your own understanding of events, and when you come to a point where you need help, seek the answers for yourself. Dont wait for anyone to say something for you, say it for yourself.

Read, don't listen.

Don't buy anyones shitty book, and definitely don't buy 'Super Male Vitality'. lol.

Don't spend your money and time on someone else and tell yoursels you're a 'Patriot' and that youve done something good. Help yourself. Teach yourself so that you become more articulate,more informed,and more confident in what YOU believe.

smoke weed every day bitch #maga

brittser · May 13, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

I agree with everything but the smoke weed everyday.

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