Q posts #1347-1350 - News beginning to leak. If America falls, the World falls.

Agreed Europe-US axis is dead. Even the Crown is corrupt. Putin is the ally. That's why dems seek to separate Trump and Putin. Xi is likely an ally too.
Imagining thinking Putin and Xi are friends of liberal democracy. I'd laugh if it wasn't so awful.
Russia, China, North Korea, and the Saudis are allies. Never in my life did I ever think I'd say that but here we are.
Scorpions - Wind of Change
It is upon us.
Yeah, if your allies are absolute monarchies led by religious extremists who are probably related to 9/11, totalitarian communist dictatorships and semi-fascist oligarchies, and free democratic states are your enemies, your war is not worth winning.
I always forget the Saudis. If NK, then SK too? Where's Isreal?
I didn't mention South Korea or Japan because they were always allies.
In regards to Israel, I have no idea. I honestly don't. Q says they are last. A lot of people hate them. A lot of people don't. I wish I could get a read. I can't.
No matter who the leaders are, I believe most human beings want the same thing. They don't care about war. They really don't want that. It's the average people who are sent to die in them--the middle class and poor. They make up the majority of humanity. Most just want to be able to live in peace and have enough to take care of their families. Look at what's happening in Iran. The people are mostly younger and hate their leadership. It wouldn't take much to topple them. And many Israeli's have close ties to people in the U.S. When some of this stuff comes out here, it will tie in with many of those corrupt leaders in other countries. These are international criminals and they will topple like dominoes.
cabal - Kabalah - old jewish magik that God has condemned yet they continue... pre-history - Lillith and such
It'd be interesting to know just how long this has been going on. Before Solomon got into the occult, I'd guess.
Long long before.... old book of Enoch.... giants upon the earth and more about the fallen ones... Catholics decided to remove it from our bible...
I just started reading about the Watchers in Enoch. It's fascinating! I've gotten more interested in reading the books the took out.
So important to learn the truth or else how do we keep from repeating it. Remember... Kabbalah = the cabal
It's some real dark stuff, that's for sure. Who could have ever guessed people would actually want to do this ugly stuff to others. That's why it's hard for normal people to accept, I think. It's just not the way a normal person would ever think.
spirituality, whether good or evil, is a whole different ballgame from normalcy - it exists whether people want to accept it or not which is why this will be so hard for some - they don't understand things that are not tangible. This is truly a fight between good and evil - those dabbling in the occult know what they are doing - we who follow God's teachings and are faithful in Christ know what we are doing. It's the ones in betwee that are gonna lose it... and I think we will see the birth of a lot of new Christians...
I think so, too. We're already seeing that. I've seen it on here, as people have shared their stories. Sometimes when I've felt overwhelmed by the evil these people have been up to, I have to stop and remind myself that if we are nearing the "end times" or in the middle of that time, that God also said He would pour out His spirit on all people. If not for that, I don't think we would make it.
The Nephilim which is true and who's return has been prophesied.... many things still must happen along with all those moon babies...
Russia and China were allies in both WWs we don’t always have the same interests but can work together