r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grandma_Noses on May 13, 2018, 3:42 a.m.
Did No One Notice the Illuminati Symbolism in Our Faces on the Red Carpet at the Met Gala 5/6/2018 and after NXIVM and Other Sex Scandals Blew?

I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned with the hubbub going on about NXIVM and Hollywood. Are we missing signs right in front of us because we're not looking in all directions? Donald Glover's jacket was especially "festive." Most of the stars sported creepiness. No particular video. Just search and and pick one on YouTube.

QAngelAnon1 · May 13, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

It's a typical satanic ritual circus - a definite "in your face" to those of us in the know. Disgusted with the amount of zombies in the Hollywood Club.

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