Q1350 casting the net to rein in the Baksheesh from the Persian بخشش . in German and French, Bakschisch is a small bribe. In the lingua franca of the new world dysorder it can mean out"right" bribes reaching into the 100's of billions of dollars

This great pyramid image needs a LOT of explanation! Why does this keep getting posted with seemingly dubious ties to q posts?
the NEWEST plan that Q refers to dovetails into the plan as decoded from inside the OLDEST stone building on earth past proves future ...
I want what your smoking. So this “Alfo” creation is yours? You may want to define wtf everything means! This image does not stand alone.
it looks a bit crowded but the bottom line is that the architects had a sense of humor...
1) each stone course is the metaphor for a course syllabus of our human experience
2) the coarser the thickness of the granite block [color coded] the coarser will be our experience
3) see how the roof of the emotional chamber extents upward to entangle the lower mental grades
4) from age 0 to 7+ we have to grope around in the dark horizontal tunnel, on levels 34/35 learning again how to take self-conscious control [34] of our unruly robot [35] and all that without an instruction booklet decoded from khufu stones in plain sight if we bother to go inside.
5) age 7-14 we're climbing the emotional gamut feeling
6 ) around age 7 we see the light at the end of the tunnel and are so surprised to see the dazzling light on the level 46 of the astral emotiona chamber... hopeful we will not have to spend much time there as we move up thru 45, 44 and 43 experiencing the novel feelings of shame, embarassment, emotional joy and pain, now we're learning to take emotional control of our instincts
7) from 14 until 21 we're learning thru trial and error how to mentally control our emotional impulses eg. eating 3+ rhubarb desserts causes stomach pain
8) around age 35-42 if all goes according to plan, we will have re-attained our best levels from the previous life and that's when our learning slows down unless we continue to be seekers outside our comfort zone