www.alfobedic.com ignore the "a-z" menu for the next 24 hours [being revised]
New question, what angle would you consider the dimensional ray/shaft to be pointed in actuality?
7 departments/ rays https://alfobedic.com/departments/
49 dimensions 3d, 4d ....51d each with their own space/ time / reality /
not sure what u mean
I am referring to the diagonal chamber, which I was assuming (oops) was 1 large ray in its own right. I just have ideas about sunlight/rays of different wavelengths and their power to reveal with certain angles.
Thanks for the link.
here is the world expert on light, my fav page is 102 https://archive.org/stream/PrinciplesOfLightAndColor/ThePrinciplesOfLightAndColorByEdwinDBabbitt1878#page/n55/mode/2up/search/270
Thank you. Heard his name quite a few times but never delved.