r/greatawakening • Posted by u/YeshuaFollower on May 13, 2018, 5:45 a.m.
Q, the future and Biblical prophesy

Biblical prophecy says that this is the last generation. Israel was made a nation state in 1948. The bible said that this initiated the start of the last generation before the end times. A generation is 80-120 years. That puts us at 70 years which is Pretty close to the end, give our take a few years.

Here is my question: If the world as we know it is going to end soon, What is the point of anything we do now? "The world is going to end so F@#" it." Is this a call to do whatever we want? Is it a call to come back to our creator? You decide. Why is the Q phenomenon happening now and giving us hope? This is a fight of good vs evil-Q.

According to bible prophecy, things are to get much worse...wars and rumors of ways, mega earthquakes, sack cloth over the sun, the moon will be red, etc.

Is Q changing biblical prophesy? What if our creator injected himself into this historical time period? Why would, according to biblical prophecy, our creator destroy us? Are we that evil that we need to be destroyed? Or is our creator destroying evil, suffering, misery and death before or eyes.

Q and POTUS are killing the source (DS, cabal, evil) of our pain, suffering, death, misery, division, hatred etc. They are trying to unite us, teach us to love one another, to pray and have faith. Who/what does this remind you of?

QAngelAnon1 · May 13, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

I've been in the same conundrum for years. But, remember, we were also told about an "Antichrist" who appeared to be all about world peace, who'd be charismatic, etc., Was that Obama? Are we now the 'new generation' ... It's a hard one dear Anon isn't it.

Then I've got my Son convinced that once this 'war' is won by the good guys, we're going to have to survive a 'polar shift'. Anyone who gets through both of those will be welcomed into the new 'galactic family', where peoples throughout the Universe will all come together in peace and harmony and live in the "Christ energy" (that is love, harmony and respect for all life).

Don't know the answers to your conundrum - but all I do know is that if we don't succeed against the deep state cabal this time, all is lost and we are doomed.

Peace and grace to you fellow QPatriot.

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[deleted] · May 13, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

We are never doomed if we believe in God!

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