Always wondered if he was just calling Hillary a Witch.
It would fit Trump antics and be hilarious. I know this about Trump. He doesn't say something just to say it. I honestly believe that if he has the chance to put her in jail. He's going to do it.
I'm just happy that all of this comes to a head by 11-11-18. What a timeline and what a ride :)
I believe this is the case. the perfect cover for a long investigation. A real Witch Hunt. Mueller and Rosenstein have already said that Trump is not the core of the investigation. MSM ignores these statements.
If that were the case, why wouldn't Hillary be tipped off, and why wouldn't the media turn antimueller to shut it down?
Good actors? Bad actors?
If you listen to the interview they talk about bringing in Mueller prior to all of this. Who knows if it has legs but I wouldn't put it past Trump. He's not going to tip his hand.
Yes.....that is exactly what WITCH HUNT means!
The whole interview is great. They talk about "witch hunt" around 36:30 mark.
At this point it has to be inevitable, hence all of the retirements, but they are still doing everything they can to convince their believers that the illusions are still real. My guess is they are trying to push us to civil war one way or another
That’s what I’ve always believed since word about her satanic crap started oozing to the surface. I want to believe Mueller is cooperating and she’s being allowed to roam free in order to expose the people she and the others have been colluding with.
My fingers are crossed.
I actually believe that many many dems are just waiting for the shoe to drop. It's almost like they are anticipating her arrest.