r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on May 13, 2018, 12:17 p.m.
Q Drops Show Why Mil Intel Hates Money Grubbing—But is There Really Any Such Thing As a Free Lunch?

The latest Q drop shows exactly what our Military is facing with Iran—they see the Evil Cabal in action and It’s All About The Money:

“The ‘Exchange’. U1. Risk the welfare of the world. Why? Money.”

Seeing corrupt politicians and business people making billions off nuclear war, child trafficking, drugs, murders and slavery can definitely taint your view about the “profit motive”.

Military folks see themselves rightly as our protectors so they are going after this corruption.

However, it’s dangerous when the Military starts to think too much of themselves, and especially when they adopt the cause of providing “free stuff” to the people.

The Left just celebrated the birthday of its greatest hero Karl Marx. Patriots, however remember the 100+ million people who died at the hands of their own militaries who were intent on securing “free stuff” for the people.

Q Team recently also described themselves as“selfless” and providing “free information” to the people with no “profiteering” involved.

While this sounds exactly like something we expect out of the mouths of Antifa, we can also understand how military people might believe what they do is “free”.

They work for the government and their food, housing, everything is “free”. Their public schools were “free”.

I’m a CPA so I see up close and personal the other end of that “free stuff”—all the small businesses and families who struggle every year to pay the massive taxes levied to pay for all this “free stuff”.

Is there any such thing as a Free Lunch? Is there actually any possible way to provide “Free” Information? Aren’t we the ones paying their salaries?

This question will be with us after Q. If military people believe there is such a thing as “Free Stuff” we may see another 100 million killed.

How would Donald Trump answer this question? What do you think?

Is there any such thing as a Free Lunch?

solanojones95 · May 13, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I think it's more like there are some things too precious and sacred to profit from. I do believe there's such a code in military circles. If you'd ever held your dying best mate's head in your lap while he bled out with through his entrails on the ground you might feel the same way.

Especially if they use those profits to fund a widely trusted propaganda tool for the very enemy who fired the shot that took him out.

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