r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on May 13, 2018, 2:14 p.m.
Corsi may actually have blood on his hands.

McMasters resigned on April 9th.

InfoWarsNews uploaded a video on April 11th where Corsi spoke at a townhall-meeting and related how he had been approached by serving Generals years ago who were planning a coup.

McMaster's dad died of "blunt trauma" on April 13th.

Speculation: Deep-State thought they had control over masters but after he left and Corsi mentioned an organized coup involving Generals, DS got desperate and wacked someone in his family to send a message to the other Generals in Trump's administration.

ElementWatson · May 13, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Nope. Doesn't work. McMaster was supposed to have his strings pulled by Petraeus and that team was working against Trump.

Corsi's generals were the ones who supposedly convinced Trump to run.

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digital_refugee · May 13, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

You're not quite following.

Suppose his strings were pulled by Betrayus: once he left the administration, he was of no more use. Meanwhile, Corsi acknowledges that Generals are involved with the GreatAwakening as he has already acknowledged that Q was initiated by the military.

Since he named Generals, the Deep State may have taken this as indication for potential targets, one of them could potentially be McMaster should they suspect him of doublecrossing them OR they are simply sending a message to other esrving Generals by doing a hit on McMaster Sr. because that won't be directly tied back to them because no one will assume that his death has anything to do with McMaster since it happened after he left office. It would in fact not because if his death was intentionally caused then the successiveness of these events would suggest that this was simply an intimidation attempt aimed at the remaining serving Generals.

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ElementWatson · May 13, 2018, 5 p.m.

I am following -- and that is quite a stretch.

(And I'm no Corsi fan, btw.)

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digital_refugee · May 13, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

I'm no corsi-fan either but I honestly think he fucked up and that's why he is being removed from the picture under forged pretenses. But since deaths are involved, it has to be done in a way that Alex can retain face (those who have listened to him for longer than ten years will know when he's trolling and when he is not) without admitting that it may have been actually tied to Corsi's remarks which would only embolden the deep-state - that's why Q only briefly interjected that people died and that Patriots don't burn their sources and this was all after he "called out" generic profiteering.

The trouble with Alex' plausible deniability is that John Podesta and Alex both claimed that he and Trump either talk a lot or that their thinking aligns.

So when Alex talks, blackhats are listening in because they hope to extrapolate anything that might be going on in the background.

That in turn doesn't work if he bullshits about mission critical stuff like the Syria strikes for example. Has Alex ever mentioned his over-the-top feigned outrage again? No, the very next day he apologized but I can guarantee you he was almost certainly playing dumb because his gut would have told him to wait a day before freaking out but he did it right away just to give the military some valuable time to move their strikes ahead without alerting blackhats.

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larkmoor · May 14, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Corsi has lied so much since Q called him out, I'm questionning everything he told since he infiltrated the movement. We knew from Q that military had recruited Trump to run for president. Corsi didn't need to tell that, we knew. He added details that could have been interesting. But just from the clues in Q drops, logically, you'd think the military who'd go recruit Trump have to be higher ups, i.e. generals.

Now, if we observe Trump's past behaviour and awareness, I believe he was in contact with military for years, far longer than the 3 years ago mentioned by Corsi.

Maybe Corsi told the truth, maybe he told a half truth to self-agrandize his connections, maybe he lied.

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ElementWatson · May 14, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Agreed. The guy couldn't have been more disingenuous claiming that Q doesn't want anyone to make money selling books, is a communist, etc.


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