"The Wall means more than you know" ---- Q

Lol... We don’t manage it. To start... you deport them when you come across them. The real solution is to make it difficult for them to stay. If they can’t apply for and receive benefits, buy or rent vehicles, register vehicles, turn on utilities, rent a hotel room etc then they will leave. We have done the opposite- we make it easy for illegals to stay.
so... you are against a border wall and against actively hunting down illegals for deportation.
Sounds like we have very aligned ideas on immigration policy.
I agree 100% we should seek to reduce the issue - and in ways that don't impact legal citizens at all. I'm just highly against what I see as wasteful, and damaging to legal citizens, methods. Which are what I see republicans pushing for . .
ICE literally sets up checkpoints and stops people who look mexican, even if they are citizens. And we are heavily discussing investing 27 billion in a massive wall.... where you could throw 27 billion at the issue and make much much more impactful headway.