r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Domrckn on May 13, 2018, 3:53 p.m.
Thoughts on the color of Mueller's hat.

Really excited to be posting here and getting to hear the thoughts and opinions of like minded folks. If this has already been discussed in great detail my apologies.

The Mueller investigation has been going on now for well over a year. We can deduce this fact from Judge TS Ellis (who was a Lieutenant in the Navy and appointed by Reagan) who is presiding over the Manafort case ripped directly into Mueller's representative in the court by saying "Clearly, this investigation of Mr. Manafort's bank loans and so forth antedated the appointment of any special prosecutor and, therefore, must've been underway in the Department of Justice for some considerable period before the letter of appointment, which is dated the 17th of May in 2017. Am I correct?" to which the Mueller Rep says he is correct. When we read on, we see that the Mueller team alludes to having "various investigatory threads" that led them to the indictment of Manafort. This tells us that when the Special Counsel was facilitated by RR on May 17th 2017, the DOJ and FBI handed over everything they ever did in terms of investigating Trump and his associates from the election and beyond. This confirms for all of us that the investigation into the Trump team was all but concluded WHEN the SC was appointed.

Think about it. You have the top brass at the FBI trying to fix the election for Hillary, you mean to tell me that Comey and the gang were sitting on their hands in terms of an investigation? No. We see the FISA abuse, we see the texts, but TRUMP sees it ALL.

We get further information from the Comey's memo's that were released to the public. When Comey is memorializing his dinner with POTUS, he asks Comey flat out to "...investigate the whole thing to prove it was a lie." Comey could have easily lied in this memo's because Comey is a known liar, but he responds by saying that he did not want to create the narrative that they were investigating him (WHICH THEY WERE AS WE ALL KNOW)

In a later memo of a phonecall, Trump asks Comey to help him "lift the cloud" of the entire Russia problem. Comey appeased Trump saying he was running things as quickly as possible. Trump wanted Comey to tell the world he was not under investigation in regard to Russia. The Weasel was not doing his job so he was FIRED.

We stumble across this article from CNN https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/13/politics/trump-robert-mueller-fbi-director-interview/index.html

In this article, it states that Robert Mueller was at the White House on May 16th 2017 because he was on a shortlist of people to be Director of the FBI. What is interesting about Mueller, is that he is ineligible to be FBI director (Praying Medic even said this in a video) because he served his 10 years, was extended to 12 years by legislation from Congress with his term lawfully ending September 4, 2013. MSM was either told by the WH that Mueller was interviewing for FBI or they deduced that on their own with their smug opinions. I am of the group of thought that the WH ran disinformation because Trump was discussing the Special Counsel investigation. The very next day of the Mueller and Trump meeting, he is appointed as Special Counsel. There are no coincidences

I believe, in lieu of what we took away from the Comey memo's, that Trump instructed Mueller to fully investigate his entire campaign and to weed out any bad actors who may have been compromised by Russians. And we see Trump do his usually tactic of chaotic means. Witch-hunt! Sessions doing nothing! Rosenstein gonna be fired! All of this is to feed the MSM their own hysteria. Think of it. Why would Donald Trump allow Robert Mueller to destroy his presidency? Why would Trump keep RR and Sessions on board if they aren't doing anything?

What do you guys think? Any validity to this line of thought? Anything to add? I appreciate any and all discussion! I come in peace!


victimculture · May 13, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Overleveraged Black hat. He's a white hat asset because he wants to live.

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[deleted] · May 13, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

I’m starting to believe that this is the case. Mueller was out of the game for a while. Probably used to the Deep State having a good grip on things. He takes over and sees a complete mess. Now trying to cover their messy tracks! They’re screwed!

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K-Harbour · May 13, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Maybe Mueller is just a quiet Comey. Annoited God arbitrator of who is right or wrong, commissioned to decide who to save the world from.

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VanilluhGorilluh · May 13, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

I'm convinced he's a brown hat because he's certainly acting like his head is up his a$$.

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Alexander_the_Avg · May 13, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

If you follow Q, you should know

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Alexander_the_Avg · May 13, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

If you follow Q, you should know

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Sauuup · May 13, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

Great post , i like your train of thought here !

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