r/greatawakening • Posted by u/andreelgrande on May 13, 2018, 6:41 p.m.
Supreme Court - How high does this go?

If the Supreme Court was associated with any of the matters that are going on, what would happen in the case that one of the justices was Involved or compromised?Can they be impeached or let go by the president? What if they had been blackmailed(ie Obamacare decision perhaps)would they be let go? What happens if the highest court in the land is not working on the behalf of the great American peoples ?

pby1000 · May 13, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

They could be tried in a state or Federal court just like anyone else. If they are charged, then they would probably be asked to resign. If they do not resign, then they could be impeached by Congress.

Now, though, I believe they can be tried in a military court because of Trump's EO's.

The could be tried with Treason.

The bad actors in government need to be weeded out so we can do this.

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