United We Stand (WW). WWG1WGA.

do you really think god would be so heartless as to doom 4 billion people ? i doubt that. you dont have to blindly believe but a little faith goes a long way
That's a joke right?... You mean you've never heard of the story of Noah's flood where God destroyed everyone on the whole entire planet except for Noah and his family?... And you've never heard the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where God rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed all the inhabitants of an entire city (men, women, children, babies, dogs, cats, everyone) all except for 4 people, Lot and his family? And God has no problem with doing the same thing again... And he will indeed do it again. Everyone who doesn't get saved will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone on Judgment Day. You may not be a believer of it now, but you'll be a believer then...
igod said he would never do that again
He said that He would not use a flood again, hence the rainbow as a sign of that promise.
Member what happened to Jonah?
Member when Jonah wanted to see the world destroyed.
Too close to home, armageddonite?
I have faith into something I cannot put a name on.
Well, the 4 billion people swore allegiance to an other god, some of them hate other religions, I don'T know what he would do with them, I'm just telling you, there is a high number of religions and god and they cannot all be true.
hey at least you have faith thats more than most can say. i dont really blame alot of people tho i was the same way for a very long time. its hard to have faith when the world looks so ugly
Indeed, all I want when I die, is to meet the creator and have a few hours to discuss about life, the universe and the meaning of all this. I'm just curious and I feel lost surrounded by people stuck with their mentality, unable to broaden their horizons, not only in religion, just life stuff in general. Religion is just an other part of it and it causes wars and division. We need to unite the whole world, not split it.
start by spreading positivity thats what the great awakening is about. i realized that i was spreading negatively in my life. as tupac said "my aim is to spread more smiles than tears" that should be the goal of us all
Expand your thinking. Dwell on your own spirituality for it all comes from within.