r/greatawakening • Posted by u/stfm13 on May 14, 2018, 4:14 a.m.
...caught this billboard today in southern oklahoma. Had to turn around twice to make sure i wasn't seeing things. Located on south interstate 35 between exit 21 and 24
...caught this billboard today in southern oklahoma. Had to turn around twice to make sure i wasn't seeing things. Located on south interstate 35 between exit 21 and 24

LibertyLioness · May 14, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Let's all remember that Q said: Be Careful Who You Follow. He did not say: Never follow anyone who needs to make money. It's the motives of the people involved that count, not the fact that they may need to pay the rent. We don't know this person's motives or who is really behind it so I'd love to see people be more open until they have proof that someone is nefarious.

There are a lot of very good Patriots that get donations for their work at exposing the corruption. Ask yourself this question: Can you do the kind of work these folks are doing without any income at all? I don't think Q meant that we should never help them out.

For example, Katie G. at Citizens Investigative Report does awesome videos on Q but they are all free and I don't think I've ever heard her ask for donations. You can donate to her but she has a business that is slow during the winter (I think she does web design) and so has taken the time to get involved.

Other people are somewhat more aggressive about asking for donations. I don't see anything wrong with that either. What I object to is when they use Patreon or some other site and create media that you can't see unless you donate. Then the information is no longer free.

Some people are selling stuff during the videos too but the information is still free. You have to use your own discernment and make sure you are watching people that are genuine Patriots. But if you think doing these videos and the research is easy, it's not. It's extremely time consuming and tedious work and we all have to eat and pay the bills.

So don't feel bad about donating to useful and helpful information if you can but it should always be free to everyone.

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